Seeing Her (Fitz's Pov)

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Fitz listened to Cyrus as he spoke about the poll numbers(or at least that's what he thought he was talking about). Fitz couldn't really focus on any of the words he was more focused on the beautiful woman sitting next to Cyrus.
Olivia,he had missed her while she was away it was only for a few days. But,to him it felt longer than that he watched her every move. Almost like a stalker,kinda of creepy I know but he did it anyways. There was something about her that just made him want to watch her hours on end.
And if he could get away with it he most definitely would be doing that. But sadly,Fitz knew that he could never get away with it. It was bad enough that Mellie was getting suspicious of him. He couldn't afford to have Cyrus suspicious either. He sighed softly and heard a soft voice." Governor Grant? Are you alright?" Fitz looked up and his eyes were met by the most beautiful pair of brown eyes he had ever seen in his life." I'm sorry what did you ask?" Olivia looked at him worriedly but repeated herself." I asked if you were alright governor,you don't look so well." She said softly. "No,no I'm alright just lost in thought I guess." He answered looking her up and down,which Cyrus noticed. Cyrus then chose to speak." Fitz,I totally understand that you have a lot going on at the moment but you have to stay focused on the prize here. And remember there's a lot at risk,you can't afford to get distracted or get pulled off track." Cyrus told him giving him a look. "Yes,Cy I know and I won't I promise." Was all Fitz said before the door opened revealing Mellie. "Oh,I'm sorry am I interrupting something?" She asked walking into the room looking at them." Just having a brief meeting Mrs. Grant." Olivia replied quickly. Mellie looked at her and gave her a smile(a fake one Fitz thought)." Liv,you're back oh it's so nice to have you back. We've definitely missed you while you were away. I hope everything is alright back home." Mellie said walking towards her." Oh,well it's good to be back Mrs. Grant. And yes everything is just fine at home thank you for your concern." Olivia said." Well,I think we're done for now." Cyrus said standing up." Okay." Both Olivia and Fitz said at the same time. Cyrus walked out followed by Mellie. Leaving Olivia and Fitz looking at each other,both not sure on what to do.

What do you want to happen between them?

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