Mellie's Pov

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I could tell that something had got Fitzgerald all happy. I told him about the idea of bringing his father to the campaign,and he didn't argue. He actually agreed with me for once in his life he agreed with me on something. Which is very unlike him,I noticed how happy was lately.
And yet I couldn't figure out why he was so happy. The campaign was stressful,and we are still behind Sally Langston by a good 15-20 points. And we don't have that much time to catch up and attempt to win the race.
But one day it hit me, I was walking through the halls looking for Cyrus to discuss adding another campaign stop. When I saw them,Fitzgerald was with Olivia they were talking about something. I couldn't figure out what though,but I noticed how when she talked ;his eyes never left hers. She had his attention,and his eyes were just shinning like the stars do at night.
I saw him lean over and whisper something in her ear that made her laugh. She then hit him lightly on the chest,giving him a soft smile. Before she returned to her file that was sitting in her lap.
It was watching them in that moment that I knew,my husband Fitzgerald Thomas Grant the third;was in love with Olivia Pope.

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