Liv's Pov:A few days later

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"Abby,I'm leaving now are you sure you don't need anything?" She asked looking towards her red headed friend who was sitting on the couch,flipping through the tv channels." I'm fine Liv,really you should go I'll be fine." She said not taking her eyes off of the tv screen. Olivia sighed and gave her the"I don't believe you look". Abby looked her way and sighed." Liv,I'll be okay I promise...if I need anything at all I'll call you I promise." Abby said standing up and walking towards her." You need to go you have a plane to catch and besides you also have some fixing to do. So,go now leave I love you Liv but you gotta go now." Abby said pushing her towards the door,grabbing her bags as she went." Abby,I'm only a phone call away-" Yes,I know Liv I know now off you go...goodbye have fun meet a boy,kiss him,have sex with him if you want to!" She said before shutting the door. Olivia sighed and walked away and headed to the elevator." Only Abby." She said softly to herself.

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