An average day

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~Umbreon's POV~

I slept soundly, untill I was awakened by Flareon

"Hey, Umbreee! WAKE UP!"

I awoke with a start "What?" I saw Flareon at the doorway "FLAREON! GET OUT!" And threw my pillow at him as hard as I could with Psychic. That's what happened every morning.

That's was Flareon for you, a perv.

 After I picked up my pillow and made my bed, I trotted downstairs and made my way to the dining table, where everyone was having breakfast, I sat next to Espeon, she passed me my favorite, waffles!

Then I noticed the empty spot again, Glaceon was missing "Where's Glaceon?" I asked Sylveon with a mouthful of waffle

Her ribbons set down her cup of , what I could guess, really sweet jucie "In his room, like always."

I silently continued eating my waffles

Half the time, I thought he didn't exist, no one ever saw him outside of his room, other then Sylveon, Flareon said he was' too proud to grace us with his precence today', Jolteon said he's always been like that.

I hadn't lived here that long, but I knew that Jolteon and Sylveon were often very reliable, when it came to the Pokemon in this house.

Aquamarina (Vaporeon) had apparently just returned from a swim when everyone had finished eating

Since I didn't have much to do today, I watched some T.V.

 I saw Sylveon walking out the door in her uniform "I'll be back!" she shouted and hurriedly ran out the door

Then there was a yelp at the door, meaning that my trap had worked.

I ran outside to see Sylveon hanging upside down by her back paw, frowning.

"Ummm... Oops..." I said  meekly "Sorry Sylveon... again..."

She closed her eyes and sighed "Just... get me down, please..."

 I untied the rope around her paw and she lazily floated down and winced when her back paw touched the ground

"You ok?" I asked her with concern

"I'm fine." she said flatly "You know you'll never catch him this way." She put on her hat and adjusted her apron "He leaves too early for you to catch him."

" I can tell..." I mumbled quietly as Sylveon ran off.

I went back inside and continued watching whatever was on T.V. Nothing really eventful happened except when I went into the kitchen.

There's this jar on the counter, that Espeon initially set up when Eevee had arrived, that held money. It was a 'Swear jar' that you would have to put money in if you cursed in front of him, Flareon often filled this jar by himself, and Eevee emptied it every week, and today was one of those days.

I walked in and saw Eevee standing on plates, pots, bowls, and an umbrella, reaching for his jar, While Leafeon was sitting on the side "Um... are you sure this is a good idea?..." Leafeon asked Eevee shyly "It doesn't look safe..." Eevee wobbled on the plates "Aww, don't be a worrywart, this'll be over in  nanosecond..." I giggled and continued on to the fridge to get my drink. I turned around to see Eevee grab his jar and start sliding it off the counter "I got it! I got it! I got-AAAAAAAAAAH!" Eevee lost his balance and the jar started flying through the air

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Eevee yelled in slow motion

Leafeon shut her eyes and held her paws out to catch the jar, and saved it.

"Nice catch." I giggled

Leafeon blushed a little "T-thanks..." she stuttered before Eevee yanked the jar out of her paws and ran off. Leafeon shortly followed suit.

Nothing else really happened that day.

After diner, I was walking to my room from the bathroom, then I stopped at the only door in the house that was never opened:

Glaceon's room.

I hesitantly went closer, but started shivering. I was barely five feet away from the door, And I was freezing. I could Mentally and Physically sense nothing but cold.

I backed up quickly, walked to my room, cracked the door, and rigged the trap for Flareon.

He always seem to trip them, without getting affected.

I hopped into bed, too tired to ponder the question.

Who knows? maybe that'll be an adventure for another time.


Alright! Tell me what you think! I'll be adding something special*wink* in the next chapter!

Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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