The Christmas Episode. Part.1

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-Jolteon's POV-


Some love it. Some hate it.

Me? I pretty much see it as a way to tell your friends/family thanks through the action of gift giving.

But there was one little ritual of Christmas that irked me, the kiss under the mistletoe.

It wasn't the little thing itself, it was the fact that I had no one to do that with... well... anyone that was my gender that is...

and I wanted to save that moment for one Pokemon and one Pokemon only, Espeon.

I had even decided to sink down to Flareon's level and use his mistletoe hat.

I snuck into Espeon's Library, equipped with Flareon's mistletoe hat and quietly popped next to Espeon, who was deep into her book "Heeeeyyy Espy!" I sang jovially

 She didn't respond, giving me the excuse to persist


"WHAT?!" She yelled as she slammed her book shut in anger, complete with a little red anger mark.

 I felt a sweat drop on the back of my head, I had never seen Espeon like this, but I persisted anyway

"We're under the mistletoe! and you know what that means!~"

She closed her eyes and sighed "If I give you this one kiss, will you stop bothering me for the rest of the night?"

I nodded vigorously

"Then close your eyes..." Espeon whispered in a sweet voice

I closed my eyes and puckered up, I waited for a few seconds for her to kiss me... but instead I got hit with something with enough force behind it to K.O. a Donphan(I later discovered she used Psyshock on me. Ouch.) knocking me unconscious.

I didn't care,  when I wanted something, I usually got it, hard work or not, I was determined to get a kiss from Espeon, No matter how many Donphans I would have to take!

-End of Jolteon's POV-

Eevee quietly looked out the window , scanning the gated front yard for any sign of Sylveon returning from work, Christmas without Sylveon is about as fun as Christmas without presents. He placed his head on the table sighed out of boredom, Umbreon followed suit and sighed as well.  Leafeon looked at the two in a curious manner "Sylveon should be home by now... maybe the snow is prolonging her trip?" Eevee plopped down into his chair and sighed "Then where's Flareon?" 'At work." Leafeon stated shortly Umbreon whispered on the sidelines " I doubt that.:"

"What about Jolteon?"Eevee asked quickly

"Sleeping." Leafeon stated again

"Vaporeon?" Eevee questioned

"She's out swimming." Leafeon said plainly.

"In this weather?" Umbreon asked, surprised.

"Espeon?" Eevee asked again

"In her library." Leafeon said shyly

"What about Glaceon?" Umbreon questioned

Leafeon opened her mouth and shut it, unable to answer the question, Umbreon giggled "It's ok, No one really knows, huh?" Eevee jumped out of his chair and cheered "Sylveon's back! Sylveon's back!Wooooooo!" Eevee's chair tipped backwards and caused him to fall "Ouch..." Eevee cried with tears running down his face in a way that Umbreon had seen on most cartoons. Sylveon walked in the room with her hat still on "Merry Christmas everyone!" Eevee jumped up, his eyes glittering "Presents!!!" and happily jumped towards Sylveon, landed, and started wearing one of her main ribbons. Sylveon laughed and placed a paw on Eevee "I have a feeling we're going to have a great Christmas this year!" Eevee jumped up again "Everyone's getting presents?" He hopped back on his now tipped over chair and looked out the window "Even the Pokemon from down the street? Everyone from my school? Maybe even the whole town?!..." Eevee continued.  Sylveon felt a sweatdrop on the back of her head "Well,I don't know about them..." Umbreon looked around the room "Where's the tree?" Sylveon's ribbons made a shruging motion "Flareon should be here with it any min-" "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Flareon shouted as he crashed through the door with the tree on his head. He walked into the room and placed the tree in it's tree stand. "Now it's time for MY favorite part of Christmas!" Flareon giggled as he ran to the kitchen , with Sylveon trailing close behind shouting "Oh no you don't!" with the door slaming shut behind them.

"Do you think Sylveon'll be ok?"Leafeon asked worriedly

The sounds of blows connecting, Sylveon doing karate yells, and Flareon's meeps colud be heard clearly through the door. Umbreon sat next to Leafeon "I'm very sure she'll be fine." Eevee sat on the other side of her "I think we should be more worried about Flareon..."

"Oh, she'll be just fine.", Espeon spoke calmly

The three looked behind them to see Espeon with a rather large box of Christmas decorations. "Well... we might as well get started!"

The four started decorating the room with many Christmas decorations, wreths, lights onaments, fake snow, Etc. Umbreon started her side of the tree, Until Sylveon pulled her to the side.

" Umbreon, can I ask you a favor?"Sylveon whispered, looking occasionly to see where Eevee was.

"I guess..." Umbreon replied quietly

Sylveon handed her a list and a card "I need you to buy these presents, Ok?"

"Sure... but it looks pretty small,though..."

"It extends." Sylveon whispered again, puling the roll that Umbreon didn't see

Umbreon could feel a sweatdrop on the back of her head "R-really..." she looked at Sylveon "Can I at least get some help?..."

"I'd have Flareon help, but I knocked him out cold." Sylveon wispered triumphtly

Umbreon sighed, grabed her scarf, and walked out into the night. Every store in town was packed! Umbreon knew that she woud never get home if she tried, she roamed around town to find a store with even one of the presents on the list, but to no avail. Umbreon ploped on a bench in front of the Dragonite Post Office, exausted, she couldn't find a single store that wasn't crowded or sold out. How was she supposed to find the presents tonight?!

"Um... excuse me? Umbreon?"


To be continued!

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