Popcorn and Dates Ep.1

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-Flareon's POV-

I sipped my coconut drink and looked out to the craggy training ground in front of me, Glaceon balancing on the balanceing beam on his front paws.

A lot has changed since Glaceon finnally come out of his room. One thing was, I discovered he personally knew the star Latias and her mysterious bodyguard Blackstar, that was worthy of some interveiws, but this was my day off.

So, I really didn't care.

Another thing was this armor thing that he created himself made of ice, it increased his movement and his physical strength, which meant our first sparring match on Christmas... didn't go too well for me...

Also, he was good at this game that he, Umbreon, Espeon, Sylveon, Leafeon, Vapoureon and Eevee like to play, called Dan make cool... I think that's what it's called... no wait, it's called 'danmaku'

But, It wasn't the video game, though.

I don't know how it works, but they make some pretty light shows, I can say that much.

I sipped out of my coconut again and watched as Umbreon walked up to Glaceon...

-End of Flareon's POV-

Glaceon looked at Umbreon, who was approaching rather quickly. "What's up?", Glaceon asked her cheerfully, still balancing. Umbreon smiled in returned "Nothing much," She responded quickly " ,but I wanted to ask you something." Glaceon looked at her curiously "Well shoot! I've got a good while, I can research it if it needs to..." he trailed off. Umbreon felt a sweat drop on the back of her head "Well, actually...", Glaceon returned his attention back to her, " I wanted to ask about Leafeon...if I could take her to the movies..." Glaceon looked at her and chuckled" Whaaat?", He smiled with his eyes closed "Why ask me? I'm not a relitive of hers or anything..." Umbreon pawed at the ground " I know... but Sylveon and the others say you two came here together..." Glaceon and waved a paw, the other still on the beam "Your point is? That could've been a coencidence." Umbreon looked at him in awe "Was it?" Glaceon looked away "Well... No, of course not, we were traveling together..." Umbreon could feel another sweatdrop " Then why'd you say that?!" "Hm?" he looked back at Umbreon "What'd you say? I was wondering if I recorded Lucky Star yesterday..." Umbreon faceplanted at the sound of his words. Glaceon chuckled again "Well, in all seriousness...." Umbreon looked at Glaceon " If you really want my blessing to date her, you have it." Umbreon's eyes glittered "REALLY?!" He nodded "Yep, get goin'! Show her a great time!" Umbreon sqealed and ran off very quickly. Glaceon continued with his training, untill he saw Umbreon and Leafeon leaving. He watched them quietly, still on the balanceing beam, but as they left, his grip faultered and he fell on his back. Flareon ran up to him "Whoa, You okay?" Glaceon rolled over and sat up "I think so..." Flareon looked at him "Maybe you do worry about Leafeon more than you say you do." Glaceon shot him a look " I worry about her as much as a freind should," He streatched his legs "Nothing more, nothing less." Flareon rolled his eyes "Whatever..." and looked at Glaceon, who looked like he had been licked by a Haunter "Uh... Glaceon?..." "I just remembered..." Glaceon whispered as he turned to face him " I DIDN'T SET MY RECORDER TODAY!!!" He cried out, tears running down his face as he ran. Flareon raised his imaginary eyebrow "What in the world was that?..."

"Such is the life of an Otaku."

Flareon looked over at the other open beach chair with a sweatdrop "WHEN DID YOU GET HERE?!?!" She sipped out of the other coconut and shrugged the question off. Flareon rolled his eyes "And how do you know Glaceon's an Otaku?" Vaporeon took another sip of her coconut "Dad was one, remeber?"she waved a paw "He took You, Me, and Jolteon to Comiket when we were 5."

"And that's when Dectective Conan became my favorite anime!"

Flareon glared at Vaporeon "Wait a sec... you're mentioning good times AND family in one sentence..." He sighed "What d'ya want?" Vaporeon set her coconut down "Well, It's obvious Glaceon is worried about the two lovebirds..."

"You're point? I mean, the plot is probably pretty obvious to a good few of the readers..." Flareon stated boredly

"...Well, anyway, I know where those two are going, you could tell Glaceon, he takes you and goes on some type of adventure, gets a clear consciense, and then you can say you did something today."

Flareon looked at her skepticly "What's in it for you?" Vapoureon shrugged "Oh nothing, just a date with Glaceon, that's all."

Flareon felt a sweatdrop " Wait wut..."

"What wut? Glaceon's so romantic!" Vaporeon swooned He's sweet, and freindly, and polite, smart..."

"You sure we're talking about the same Glaceon?" Flareon asked with another sweatdrop

Vaporeon sighed" Look, do you want the info or not?"

"I'll decide.." Flareon turned to face the reader "In the next episode!"

"Enough with the forth wall breaks!!!"


End of Episode 1!x3

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