The Other Man - j i l ey / r a l f i e

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It was friday afternoon, and everything was quiet at the studio. A-troupe left early, because Riley wasn't in her office all day. She had some meeting for regionals and she didn't really want to be at the studio at all. That was understable. Lately, everything was falling apart for the blonde. A few weeks ago, Riley had kissing Alfie, Piper had saw it, and had told Michelle. She, one morning, had confront Riley about it in her office. Riley didn't spoke to James for days and, Alfie was always trying to talk to her. Finally, Piper was so upset that James decided to quit the competition and go home. Without telling anyone except the boy. Well, maybe if Riley had pick up her phone, she would have know.

James knew about the kiss, and saying he was mad was far from the truth. He was fuming. He confronted Riley about it the minute she told him.


Riley was sat at her desk. She was staring at her phone. After felt like ages, she finally grabbed it and quickly dialed James's number. She had to tell him about the kiss, but she knew she would just broke his heart, and she didn't want that. Well, she didn't want him to get hurt because she was feeling confused.

"Hi, James..." Riley quietly said through the phone. she heard him sigh.

"Oh my god Riley. I was trying to reach you for days, What happened ? Did you talk to Piper recently ? She seemed really upset and overwhelming and sad.. I'm ac..." The girl interrupted him.

"I have to talk to you and you have to listen ok ?" She swallowed, scared about the end of the conversation. "I know why Piper is so upset. It's because of me.. I-I'm not proud of it, but i did something awful... I know you won't probably forgive me but.. J-Just know that I regret everything ok ?" She was crying now. She saw a shadow outside her office, but just shrug it off. It was the time. "Last week, I... I-I kissed Alfie.." she closed her eyes, waiting for her boyfriend to answer. He didn't say anything though, but she heard him breathing. She slowly get up for her desk, moving her free hand on her head, still crying. "I-I was confused and stressed about the studio... I was missing you so bad and I don't know... I-I am... Please James, say something, I..."

Suddenly, the door of her office opened, and when she turned around to yell at the person who was disturbing her, she let her phone fell on the ground with a loud bang. James was in the door frame. He didn't look angry, he looked sad and disappointed. Riley just stood there, frozen. She didn't know how long they just stayed in silence, but it was already too much for the girl. She tried to approach the boy slowly.

"James, You have no idea how sorry I am.. It just I..." She stopped, and started to crying again, heavily. Michelle was right. She didn't think at all and now she would lose the most important person in her life.

"Is it true ?" James simply said. He still had his phone on his hand. Riley slowly nodded, gazing at the ground. James took a huge breath before he started talking. "I can't believe this." He slightly touched his own cheek with his finger. he was thinking it was a nightmare. But everything felt so real. He even smelled the sweet scent of his girl. "I'm gonna go and find Piper. I don't want to see your cheating and lying face near me or my sister again, am I clear ?" He said suddenly, harshly. More tears ran on her cheek, but she just nodded. He didn't move for a few minute, and then he was gone.


The next morning, all Riley wanted was to stay in her bed all day, just crying and sleeping. She hadn't slept any minute that night. James's words was print on her mind.

I don't want to see your cheating and lying face.

He was right, but she couldn't bring herself to realize that it was definitively over. She still loved him. Alfie was a mistake, she didn't even like him. She could never see him as anything more than an A-trouper. Who potentially ruined her life.

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