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I had this idea while listening to 'be concerned' by twenty one pilots. Please enjoy<3
Also I just finished the hollow boy and I bawled my eyes out. send help :/

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"George, have you seen Lockwood recently?" I called into my coworker's open bedroom door. He stood a little ways back, folding -yes, actually folding- his clothes.

He turned around, glasses in disarray. "I would ask you the same. Did he leave a note on the thinking cloth?"

I shook my head. "Nope, I couldn't find a thing. Should I check his room?" I suggested. Lockwood wouldn't leave the house without leaving a note somewhere. He would expect us to look anywhere and everywhere, that's just Lockwood.

"Go for it, Luce. I'll meet you there once I finish this doughnut." He held up a half-eaten chocolate mess and I nodded, cringing at the frosting smeared around his mouth. I walked across the hallway and stood in front of the paneled oak door, contemplating whether I should go in or not. I'd only seen it once or twice, when Lockwood either opened his door or left. From the small snippets I saw, he was an immaculate organizer. When I pushed open his door, this was not the case.

Clothes lay strewn on the carpeted floor, an unmade bed dominated the room, and belongings sat discarded and forgotten everywhere. Lockwood's day coat was roughly tossed on his study desk. If anything, that was the biggest warning sign of them all. I had never known Lockwood to go anywhere without his coat. This was a problem. "Er..George? You should come see this..."

His socked feet padded across the hall and I heard him stop with a gasp. "Quick-start searching for a note. This can only mean one thing," George cried, running across the room and upturning piles of Lockwood's stuff.

"What? George, what?" I asked forcefully, grabbing his shoulder. He looked at me sadly.

"He's left." As soon as those words left my companion's mouth, I stumbled back in shock, tripping over a shirt and landing on the ground next to a diary labeled A. Lockwood. I picked it up and leafed to the front page. Lockwood's elegant, scrawling penmanship dominated the sheet, although a small diagram of a Shade was penciled in on the bottom. Most of the entries were about cases, but the day I joined the agency caught my eye. I read it quietly as George thrashed about in the background.

Today, we had a new recruit, a Ms. Lucy Carlyle, join our team. She seems quite talented, and I'm proud she chose our small agency. I like this girl. She's sarcastic and clever, and I believe we'll get along fine. I suppose I should describe her... Short, choppy brown hair perfectly accenting a round heart shaped face, stone cold eyes of an unwordable color, and a determined set of the brow. She's a real masterpiece, not that this means anything. Agh!! Here she comes- Lockwood

I blushed happily. It's good to know that after scarcely a day of knowing me, Lockwood had a good opinion of me. I flipped through more pages aimlessly, stopping in the most recent one, written...last night. Had he been gone since then? I swear I'd seen him at breakfast! Again, I read softly to myself.

I can't do this any longer. It's getting to me -the anxiety- and I can't lose another person. If it means I have to leave, so be it. Lucy, you're probably reading this while George rummages through the rubbish on my floor. I had to pack in a hurry, hope you understand. Anyway, when I say I can't loose another loved one, I mean it. You and George-mostly you, actually- are my favorite people in the world. I don't think I can stand living in the same house as you any longer, going on cases and constantly worrying for you. This is not your fault- it's mine. I love you, Lucy Carlyle. Goodbye.

At this point, I was completely sobbing. George shook me a couple of times, and still I sat there, clasping the silver necklace Lockwood had once given me in one hand, and his diary in the other. George gave up after realizing I wasn't going to move, and I eventually crawled up into Lockwood's bed, his characteristic scent comforting my shaking shoulders.

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