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The ride to the castle was nerve racking for Înger. The guards tied her hands and feet making her even more upset. She tried to untie the rope but to her demise it was to tight.

'Is this their way of treating their guest!' She thought as she squirmed in her seat.

"Don't worry girlie were almost there" The guard laughed.

After a few minutes they finally stopped, they opened the door and harshly grabbed the brunette. Dragging her inside the castle, where she witness slaves being mistreated making Înger shiver at the thought of being in their place.

She was thrown at the center of the room. She carefully stood up, observing her surroundings until her eyes met a pair of soulless blue ones. She gave Vlad a harsh glare and he gave her a smirk in return.

"Hello again my little Angel" Vlad purred as he got up from his throne.

"What a very nice greeting considered you tied my hands and made your dogs get me" She spat.

"I apologize for what they did to you" Vlad smiled wickedly before he untied Înger's hands.

"Why am I here?" Înger rubbed her sore wrists.

"You are here to pay for your crimes"

"You are going to serve me from on as your punishment for your crimes" Vlad smirked.

"Me? Work for you?" Înger scoffed and crossed her arms.

Vlad harshly wrapped his hands around Înger's neck. "You should consider yourself lucky, for you are the only one I'm making a deal" He darkly said.

Înger tried to calm her breathing before mustering a glare at him." I'd rather die in the worst death than spend another day serving you" She choked.

"Those your parents thought you the meaning of respect?"

"I don't have parents" She turned her head to side.

Vlad's eyes slightly soften as he notice Înger's bruised form. He sight frustration as he let go of her neck.

"You are to become my servant whether you like it or not" He said returning to his throne.

"Show her to her chamber!" Vlad ordered two guards.

They escorted the brunette down the hall, they stopped in front a wooden door. The guard opened the door pushing the brunette inside before closing it without a word. She observe the small room, a small bed was placed in the middle, a closet was in the side and a small dresser. She walk at the small looking bathroom.

'Just like home' She thought as she plopped down the bed. She turned to her side, exhausted from everything that happened she let sleep took over.


Înger woke up at the knocked on her door. She stretch her tired limbs as she got up and opened the door. A young blonde girl adorning a servant outfit smiled as she enters the room.

"I have bought your clothes Miss" she smiled.

"Thank you Miss?"

"Adela and you must be?"

"Înger" she smiled in return.

"You must be the prince's personal servant" Adela gasped.

"Personal?" Înger asked as she inspect her new garments.

"Yes, we were all shocked that the prince declared he will have a personal servant"

Înger scrunched her face as she imagines what Vlad will do to her.

"This is torture!" She groaned as she tied her hair in an up do.

"Its only the beginning" Adela gave her a small smile.
Let's have a moment and screamed. My book reached 1k!!! I'm honor and speechless. Thank you!! And for that I'm gonna try and make another story about my hubby bieber💗 On gosh 1k could you believe that?!

-Queen J

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