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Înger stared at Vlad shocked. Her breath hitched, as it all came back to her. That's why his familiar in her eyes. Vlad let go of her wrist, she hiss in pain as she rub her sore wrist whilst glaring at Vlad.

"I thought the king's sons was abducted a long time ago?"

"Well, I have returned to reclaim the throne." He suddenly swiped a dagger.

"And you will pay for your misdeeds" He said darkly as he put the dagger under Înger's neck.

When the cold metal suddenly touch her skin, Înger panicked, she lifted her knee abruptly to his groin.

"Ngh, dammed you woman!!" He groaned in pain as he let go of the dagger. Înger took the opportunity to grab the pouch and make a run for it. She heard Vlad cussed at her but she only gave him a wink in return.


It was already dark, the town was filled with silence for no person was out, no children playing, no women gossiping. It was pure silence, the only light that shine in the ghost town was the lighted torches in the center of town.

Înger groaned in annoyance as she stared in the window. "You know no matter what you do, it will always be dark" an old woman named Agatha laughed as she place a fresh bread into the table. Agatha sat besides the brunette as she huff annoyance.

" Grandma it's because not long ago, Wallachia was filled with music, laughs and noises that I grown to love and now it's like a cemetery" She stabbed the wooden table with a fork.

"Tsk,don't ruin the tables!" Agatha slapped Înger 's hand.

"We have no choice the new ruler doesn't want anyone loitering at night" She sight as she gave Înger a bowl of fresh soup.

"Vlad is a control freak....." Înger muttered quietly but Agatha heard her clearly.

"How do you know the new ruler?" Agatha asked the young brunette as she took small sips from the soup.

"Well......." Înger said unsure of her answer. "I thought you don't care about the news, you only pay attention when money is involved" Agatha think for a moment then she gasped and looked at the brunette horrified.

"Did you stole from him!?" Agatha looked the brunette. Înger only gave a small smile in returned.

"You young lady have no idea what you've gotten yourself into!" Agatha cried out.

"Well how should I know he was the prince" Înger pout.

"Do you know who he is!? He's can have you torture or impaled" Agatha wailed. Înger watched as her grandma throw a chair.

"If he did then why I am still alive?" Înger countered standing up to comfort her grandma.

Agatha looked at her granddaughter with wide eyes before giving her a tight hug.

"Maybe he'll eliminate you tomorrow in front of the people" She sobbed. "I won't see my Angel anymore!"

"Ma, please come down. I promise you they won't hurt me and I promise you I won't leave you" Înger said softly as she wipe her grandmother's face.

"If your parents were here they'll  be furious at you" Agatha said.

"Yeah, if they were here" Înger replied blankly. "Well, let's clean and get you to bed" She gave her grandma a warm smile.


A loud bang coming from the door awoken Înger and her grandmother. Înger stood up and yawn but another loud knock came, her grandmother also stood up as she quickly open the door.

"Înger, you need to hide" Agatha whispered to her granddaughter. Înger nodded as she crawl under the table. Agatha opened the door reveling three guards.

"Yes, can help you gentlemen?" Agatha asked nervously.

"Madam have you seen a small brunette come here?" One of the guards asked.

"N-no, I-i h-haven't seen any-anyone" Agatha stuttered. The guard looked at her suspiciously. He signaled his man to check from the back while they barge in.

"We need to search your house for a moment" He said as he look under the bed and closet.

Agatha was anxiously biting her lip as two guards lift the table. But to her relief Înger wasn't there. Suddenly there was a loud pitched scream came from the back. The guards quickly went to the back door and saw one of there men in the ground clutching his stomach.

"She went that way" The man groaned in pain as he pointed at the running brunette.

"Get her!!"

Înger swerved through taverns and stalls, she throw barrels at the guards making them trip. She dodge people that was passing by while running through a narrow fassade, the guards try to fit themselves into the narrow space but their body was squish.

Înger look back and laugh, her laughter was cut short when she abruptly collide into someone.

"Got ya, you little curva!!" The guard smirked as he grab Înger by her shoulders.

"Du-te dracoo!!" Înger spat on the guard's face.

"Unhand me!" Înger stomp on the man's feet making him loosen his grip.

"Why you little!" The man raised his hand to slap Înger but it was caught.

"You fool! The prince said to return the girl to him unharmed!" The other guard panted as he spoke.

"Who's your prince you speak off!" Înger growled as she was abruptly dragged to a carriage.

"Prince Vlad III is expecting you" the man that Înger stomped on smirked.


The strange words you read like curva are cusses or bad words in Romanian. It won't be fun if I add the English term now would it😀

Again sorry for the mistakes, I just read the cusses from a book I found😈 And that's what Agatha looks like, sorry for the blurriness😑😧

-Queen J

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