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After awhile Luna called you back to the living room and you walked out and Luna stood there with her suitcases and she gave you a Crocked smile. You walk over to her.

"Be good." Luna said as she muttered in your ear as she hugged you
"Your my roommate not my mom." You laughed
"Anyways..I will be back in a weekish." Luna said as she waved off and closed the doors. You walk past Calvin as he suddenly grabbed your arm.

"It's just us." He softly said
"Yeah..whatever you say.." You said as you grabbed Toby (Luna's cat)
You walk back to your room and you look at your clock and it was 9:45 am and you texted Austin.

  You: Hey when do you wanna hang out?
He replied in seconds. Which surprised you.

  Austin: how about 12:30? Sound good?
  You: sounds good..I could drive over to your house or you could come and pick me up..I don't really care which you wanna do.
  Austin: I will pick you up.

You gave Austin your address and you guys ended the Conversation. You turned on you t.v and you heard a noise at your door and you look up and see Calvin peeking his head in.

  "Get out." You growl
  "Hey I just Wanna talk." He said as opened up the door leaning on the frame. Which kind of turned you on. He brushed his hair. His eyes meeting yours.

  "Wanna go to dinner with me?.." He asked
  "Nah.." You said
  "Wait..are you scared to have dinner with me?.." He said as he smirked
  "No,I have plans already." You said
  "Cancel." He eagerly said
  "No!..I can't do that." You exclaim
  "Well I mean-"

You got interrupted as your phone rang as you picked it up and you saw Calvin listening intently

  "Uh hello?.." You Anwser
  "I am so sorry y/n..I have to cancel..I forgot I had other plans..we can reschedule." He said in a sad tone.
  "Uh yeah..no problem..talk to you later.." You mutter as you ended the call

  "So you are free today." Calvin said
  "I have other stuff to do..I also have to get up early tomorrow.." You say
  "Seems to me you are scared." Calvin mocked
"Fine! Jesus..I am only going because..to show you I am not scared.." You lifted you chin. He chuckled softly

  "Be ready by 7:00." Calvin mumbled softly and left the room

Ugh..why..fuck my life..

Okay..I can't talk long..cause..I have to do some other stuff before I got to bed..anyways..hoped you enjoyed this chapter..and sorry I didn't update last night..I was busy...I know best excuse 2016..okay well that's it and yeah peace..



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