Will you be mine?

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You got up,your head spinning. Your hair all over your face. You looked at the clock.


You slowly got up and walked to your door and held your head. Your head pounded as you walked in the kitchen, you saw Calvin sleeping on the couch with his lap top on his legs.

You stumbled towards the medicine cabinet and took out a aspirin. You took it. You chugged the rest of the water. You heard shuffling. You turned your head.

Calvin stared at you.

  "Good morning." You said to Calvin giving him a smile.
  "Uh..morning..." Calvin slowly said.
  "My head is pounding." You said.
  "Oh..I see..yeah..well..remember anything." He asked you.
  "Nope. All I know..I feel sick." You softly said.
  "I see.." Calvin awkwardly said.
  "Why?.." You questioned him.
  "Oh nothing.." He said reassuring you.

You shrugged it off.

You got some coffee and went back to your room. You looked at your phone.

Austin:Hey..I wanna talk to you..text me as soon as possible.

You started at the text and replied.

  You: hey! I just got up..what's up? Is something wrong?..

He replied.

Austin: oh I just have some stuff on my mind..and I really just want to talk to you..and are you free? Like right now?.."

You: yeah I am free..you can come pick me up right now if you want..

Austin:alright be there in 15 minutes.

You got up and walked to your closet. You picked out a hoodie and some skinny jeans. You went to your bathroom and brushed your hair,You brushed your teeth as well.

You looked around your room for 5 minutes for your shoes. You finally found them and you grabbed your phone and walked down the hall to the living room.

  "Where are you going?.." Calvin asked.
  "To hang out with Austin." You say.

You saw Calvin almost say something but he stopped. You ignored him and walked down the stairs and went outside Austin was already outside. You got inside and smiled at him. He smiled back at you.

He drove to a coffee shop and you got out and went inside, you both sat down at a booth. You both ordered coffees.

  "So?.." You asked.
  "Hmm?.." Austin said.
  "Really? Obviously brought me here for a reason." You say as you sipped your coffee.
  "Oh yeah..well..I just wanted to ask umm..are you and Calvin a thing?.." He slowly asked.
  "Well..umm no.." You said.
  "Are you seeing anyone..?" He said.
  "No..." You said, "why?.."
  "Well..Jesus..this is harder than I thought.." He said.
  "Just tell me..I won't judge.." You said. He grabbed your hand.

"I really like you..like a lot..you are so fun and entertaining..and you are just your own person.." Austin said
  "So your saying.." You slowly said.

  "Will you be mine?..will you be my girlfriend.." Austin said


Oh shít bro..

I really don't like this book at all..

Oh well..




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