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Calvin pushes Austin away from you.

"Hey! Don't push my friend!" You yell at Calvin.
"Your obviously drunk y/n.." Calvin says picking you up
"She's fine! Let her sleep." Austin says nudging Calvin away from you.
"How do you know? Have you known y/n longer than me?" Calvin hissed at Austin
"No..but I know you were a shitty boyfriend!" Austin snarled as Calvin stared at him with anger and then shoves him.
"You don't fucking know!" Calvin yelled
"I know that you fucked her best friend!" Austin yelled
"You son of a bitch!" Calvin yells and tackles Austin and punches him.
"Hey!!" You yell and get between Austin and Calvin
"Calvy..go to bed..and Austin please..just leave.." You try to say in your coolest voice
"Whatever..bye y/n.." Austin said

Calvin helps you to your room and tucks you in.

"Calvin." You say
"Yeah." Calvin responses
"Stay with me.." You say and giggle softly
"I can't..I should really stay in my own bed.." He said
"Oh I hurts doesn't.." You smirk
"Huh?.." Calvin says cocking his head to the side
"You want me hurts..don't lie.." You laughed.
"Well..your right..but you obviously just want to be friends..right?.." Calvin says
"Sober y/n doesn't know what she wants..but I sure do." You say and bit your lower lip, you see Calvin gulp.

                                                               ~Calvins p.o.v~
What should I do?..I thought

  "Goodnight.." I say and left the room, it was hard for me to leave. I wanted to stay with her and be with her but I knew she would be upset with my actions I already had enough shit with her. I walked to the living room and sat down working on a video. After 2 hours into editing I got up and made a cup of coffee and I heard footsteps down the hall and see y/n in only her bra and underwear.

  "Hey calvy..." Y/n rolled the y on her tongue.
  "Uh y/n..why..umm..are you out of bed.." I asked her.
  "Getting a glass of water.." She said and walked toward the cupboard getting a glass. I stared at her chest.
  "Why are you shocked? You have seen me naked before." She smiled with a tint of red showing on her face.
  "Don't say that!" I recalled,My face showing its own tint of red.
  "It's true." She said shrugging, she was still drunk but just tipsy at this point.
I got my coffee and sat on the couch still editing my video but looking over at y/n as she stood there drinking her water. She leaned on the counter and smiled at me.

  "Come to bed with me." She blurted out.
  "What? No.." I exclaimed
  "Why noootttt..." She whined coming towards me as she hugged me from behind kissing my neck.
  "I need to finish this..please..go to bed.." I retorted. She grabbed my laptop and sat on my lap.
  "Come to bed with me." Y/n softly said in my ear, she started rubbing my part as I groaned.
  "No!" I yell as I grab her arm.
  "Aw..playing hard to get..I will break soon.." She said while smirkin and got off of me. I laid there, my hands shaking.

I want you..y/n

I was gonna update on thanksgiving but..I was to busy..I was in Chicago with my family and yep..


Okay bai



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