He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 24

(Hello everyone! I'm so excited to get back to writing this story and my other ones. This chapter will be a little sad. But it has a good ending. Hope you guys enjoy it, I love y'all. I know I'm a couple days late but it's here!)

<~Jack's P.O.V.~>

I woke up to one of our phones going off. I looked over towards the nightstand next to the bed and realized it was Jaime's phone ringing. The clock read 4:30 in the morning and Tay's name came across the screen. I reach over Jaime's sleeping body trying not to disturbed him as he slept. I unlocked the phone and rub my eye and answered the phone call.

"Hello," I said a little groggily.

"Jack is that you," came Tay's hoarse voice over the phone.

"Sorry Tay, Jaime was sleeping and I didn't want to wake him up. What's up?"

"I need you guys, Phil's parents won't pick up the phone and they haven't come to see him and..," her voice trailed off as she began to start crying over the phone.

"Tay, calm down. I'll wake Jaime up and we'll leave as soon as we can. Hang tight."

She sniffled over the phone, "Okay Jack, I'll be in the lobby."

After saying our goodbyes, I immediately reached down and gently shook Jaime awake, "Jaime you need to wake up. We have to go to the hospital."

Jaime woke up a little frantically, "Why Jack what's wrong?"

"Tay called, she sounds really distraught. Said she needed us to be there because she couldn't handle being alone anymore."

Jaime nodded and stretched before we hastily put some clothes on and got in my car. I drove as fast as I legally could so Tay wouldn't have to wait anymore.

<~Taylor's P.O.V.~>

I sat in the lobby, staring at the floor. My body felt numb from my head to my toes. The day before the doctor had said that Phil's condition was worsening and that his vitals were not improving. They had done a brain scan and couldn't find any brain activity. He had lost a lot of blood and they figured it was the cause of most of the damage to his body. I couldn't bare the thought of losing my boyfriend, my best friend. I loved him too much, I just....

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard my name being called. My head shot upward as I looked just in time to see Jaime running towards me, Jack walking behind him. I stood up just in time for Jaime to crash into me, hugging me as hard as he could. Jack followed suit by wrapping his arms around both of us. I started full on crying then not being able to hold my emotions in anymore. The weight of everything that happened crashed down on me all at once and I completely lost it. It was like I was losing my mom all over again.

I must of cried for what seemed like forever before I finally calmed down. Everything felt like a nightmare. I wanted to wake up from it. I wasn't of age nor was I legally able to make any decisions on behalf of Phil for him. It was protocol for the hospital to make a decision after forty-eight hours if no legal guardian or family member showed up. That time was ticking down. At ten o'clock the doctors would make the decision to shut the machines off if somebody didn't step in or if he didn't show any signs of waking up. I was so scared that I would lose him.

After finally calming down enough, we walked back to his room. Jaime had texted his mom to tell her where he'd be and Jack had left to go to the commons to try to get us something to eat. Me and Jaime sat on either side of the bed and finally Jaime spoke up then, his voice coming out weak and strained from not using his voice. Trying to hold his emotions back.

"Tay I'm so sorry. Had we not being fighting, had I just gotten over it, I feel like this is all my fault. I shouldn't have come back."

I realized then how hard this was for Jaime as well. One of the reasons why he always tried to avoid Burgess was because this wasn't the first time this had happened. And they had really gotten into it the first time around. Full blown argument to be honest. I mean it was much more of a build up the first time but ever since then Phil had always been a little unstable after the first time. Jaime avoided us and Burgess for a good three months after the first incident because he blamed himself completely for what happened the first time. He took the blame for it even though he was at fault for nothing. Just like he was doing now and I didn't want him to do that. I didn't want him to run away again. I needed him just as much as I needed Phil and Jack.

"It's not your fault Jaime, I love you so much. This wasn't your fault. Even though you guys were fighting Phil still loves you no matter what."

Jaime teared up then, he'd been trying to keep it in for my sake I suppose. "I love you guys just as much. Tay I don't want to lose him either. I love you both so much."

I got up and walked over to Jaime, leaning down and pulling him into a hug as he began to cry his eyes out. We sat there for a good minutes, before I heard a gasp from Jaime and turned around just in time to see Phil's eyes flutter open.

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