He's The Reason Why

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Chapter 21

I could hear both of them call out after me but I just kept running. The tears kept falling as I rounded the corner to the back door entrance and kept running towards it. I burst out the doors and started running across the back field. About a minute later I heard the doors open behind me as I heard Jack yell out my name.

It had started raining out and I almost slipped a couple times but I manage to keep my footing. Jack's heavy breathing could be heard and I knew he was catching up. I tried to pick up speed as I rounded the corner of a fence and kept running. I turned my head just in time for Jack to hurdle the fence, shit was he athletic.

"Jamie," Jack yelled out again. I had just hit the trees, branches smacking me in the face. I could now feel Jack's breath on me as I ran into an open field. I had never noticed this place before and I lost my train of thought for a minute. Just as I did, I felt Jack's arms wrap around my waist.

"No," I cried out as Jack lifted me off the ground.

"Godammit Jaime stop!"

"Hell no Jack, put me down," I yelled through my tears. I was cold and wet and being so, I felt tons of anger surge through me. I tried to fight his grip but to no avail Jack was always stronger. I just slump in his arms and before I knew it my world had gone black.

When I woke up the room was mostly dark expect for light coming from underneath the closed door. It took my eyes a few minutes before my eyes could adjust, realizing I was in Jack's room. I then realized I was cuddled next to his sleeping figure.

I just laid there. I didn't want to get up even though I was still upset with both him and Taylor. Were the two never going to tell me about Phil doing what he did and having to be hospitalized. But I couldn't stay mad at the two of them forever. I couldn't let this drive us apart.

I let out a small sigh as my thoughts got to me. At the same time Jack woke up,
"Hey beautiful."

"Hiya," I said nuzzling into his chest. Then I realized that he was in his underwear and I was in a sweatshirt of his and my lace underwear.

"Oh my god, Jack did you undress me?"

He chuckled, "It ain't the first I've seen you almost naked. Cute underwear for a cute boy."

I blushed and hid my face from his. He laughed again, "We'll talk in the morning cutie." And with that he pulled me towards his chest and I fell asleep again, listening to his slow breathing and heartbeat.

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