part 3

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Adrenalin was pumping through nialls veins when he read that tweet. He had the urge to run around and scream. he was so happy and excited, he had to find Calvin.

Niall basically stalked Calvin. he knew everything there is to know about him, he was even able to somehow find out what part in England he's going to be in, and guess what, hes gonna be in London!

Nialls phone buzzed, he picked it up and it was another tweet from leafy.
Turns out im leaving early,, im leaving for London tonight so no video tonight, sorry guys. bye bye homos bye bye!

Fuck. Thats not enough time. whatever.

Niall was desperate to get with Calvin, he ran into his washroom and took a long shower making sure to clean every fucking thing. he coated himself with cologne and combed his lesbian hair. He put on his best clothes and ran out the door, locking it behind him.

"Im coming Calvin." Niall said with a grin. He got in his car and drove to the airport to meet his lover. the only thing is, Calvin doesn't know Niall is gonna be there, he doesn't even know who niall is. thays gonna surprise him.

Niall drove for what seemed like days until he finally reached his destination. he got out of his car quickly, tripping over his feet a few times, and walked into the huge building.
His phone buzzed, new leafy tweet.

I have just arrived in london! Its a beautiful place fuck. Ill have a new video out tomorrow. Thanks for the support guys :)

Fuck me up. Niall ran as fast as he could, until he saw, him.

(Calvin's pov)

I just got out of my plane not even two seconds ago when this really tall blonde dude bumped into me.

"Hey dude are you okay?" I asked as i reached my hand out to help him up.

"Yeah im fin-" he trailed off. He looked at me like theres a dildo stuck to my cheek.

(Back to nialls pov)

I looked up to see a beautiful pair of brown eyes staring at me. I stare for a while but finally collect myself, my heart beating out of my chest i take his hand. They're so warm and soft, just like i imagined. "Uh.. are you okay? You're kinda staring at me." Calvin said awkwardly, fuck fuck i made him feel awkward.
"Oh uh yeah sorry."
My heart broke as he started to walk away.

I decide to approach him again, "Hey uh,, do you need a ride?" Niall asked. trying to act as calm as he possibly can. Calvin thought for a moment, "yeah, sure thanks." Calvin smiled that beautiful smile of his which made nialls heart melt.

Calvin turned around, "i never got your name."


"Oh,, my names Calvin"

Niall mumbled a little "i know" as he blushed like crazy.

Maybe being the stalker works out after all.

Hey howdy hey, this is really cute, and does anyone else read this and like imagine Calvin walking around like a little child and like spinning when he talks? Idk i guess thats just me but i find it cute so.

Stalker. (leafycynical)Where stories live. Discover now