The Walking Dead

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  This would follow the "adventures" (lol) of Jean.  This is my favorite to write about and I absolutely love her character.
I wrote this like a Wikipedia article..

Name: Jean (last name unknown)
Fandom: TWD
Alias: Alpha Wolf's right hand gal/new alpha
Status: Deceased
Occupation: Accomplice, psychiatrist(pre-apocalypse).
Eyes: Blue-Green
Hair: Strawberry Blonde
Height: 5'6
Relatives: Child(deceased)
Love interest: Owen(Alpha Wolf)(deceased)
Friends: Islip(doesn't make an appearance), Glenn
Enemies: Denise


  Most of her life before the apocalypse is unknown, all that is known is that she lived in Long Island, New York along with her only mentioned friend, Islip. (For article on Islip; see Islip, Zombieland.) Before moving to South Park, Colorado and becoming a psychiatrist briefly.
   Her story begins after she parts ways with Islip and when she is almost raped and killed by several other survivors. It's revealed that they were apart of the Wolves when Owen or "Alpha Wolf" stops them. She feels a strong attraction to him and doesn't stop him when he has his way with her.
  After this incident, she followed him blindly, willing to do anything he wanted. Although, at first he thought it was a coincidence that she was around them. He eventually realized that she was following him and began to use her.
  She eventually replaces Edward as "Alpha Wolf's" right hand guy(she calls it "right hand gal") and becomes his partner in crime. It's revealed that she knows "Alpha Wolf's" real name and he demands that she tells him where she heard it. She tells him that it was written in one of his books.
  Hours before Owen's death, Jean smashes through the wall keeping them apart with a sledgehammer she managed to steal. They actually have a pleasant and almost loving moment and it was there that Owen reveals that he had grown to love her over the past year and that he still had her red jacket, the one she wore when they first met. They share one last kiss before Morgan finds Jean and places her in a different building to keep her in.
  After his death, she locked herself away in an attempt to keep herself from killing her sworn enemy(love rival), Denise. When speaking civilly with her, she tells her about how she met Owen and why she still stuck around him afterward. Denise tells her that he would've killed her as soon as he was bored with her or when she no longer had any use for her. This comment offended her and she replies by telling her; 'he loved me, that's why he saved me and let me stay with him.' Morgan then tells her that he was greedy and didn't want to share her with his men and that she was lucky that he just took her supplies and didn't pass her off to the next man. She didn't reply, knowing that she wouldn't win in that argument.
    Later, Glenn tries to convince her to live with them in the safe-zone in peace, telling her that he loved her. She ponders this for a moment before refusing, claiming that; 'there was no place for her in such a utopia, how could she get along with others when she couldn't get along with herself'. She told him that his feelings don't matter to her and that she was already pregnant with Owen's child before stabbing Glenn. After watching him lay there, she considered killing herself. She is last seen with a knife looking into a mirror with her hair pulled away from her forehead, she was mumbling about loosing the baby.
  It is believed that, out of her grief, she reformed the Wolves. This was proven to be true in season 7, when she reappears and attacks their settlement.
  She dies while killing Negan.

  While she believed she was strong because of how she fended against walkers, she quickly realized she wasn't and that people were just as dangerous as the walkers were if not more.
  She easily becomes infatuated with a person, which is revealed in the movie 'Zombieland' by her only friend Islip, which is eventually her downfall.

  Jean has blonde hair and blue-green eyes. She wears a black tank top with shorts, and long, red and black striped socks with combat boots. She wore a red jacket when she was first introduced, but it was lost after she met Owen. She has more of an athletic build because she's a skilled swordsman. She never was required to carve the W in her forehead because, to "Alpha Wolf", she was a pawn and was never considered a part of his group. Later on, he realized that he didn't want her to be recognized as one of them for her own protection.
  Eventually, she does carve the 'W' when becoming the new alpha.

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