Chapter One

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"Be careful!" My mother yelled as I pulled out of our driveway. She waved and smiled from the front porch. I couldn't help but giggle at her small figure practically bouncing. My hand instantly rose as I waved her another goodbye. With our final goodbye finished I continued to back out of the driveway. Before I could even put my car in drive a familiar truck pulled up beside me. Here we go, round two with the second parent. Surprisingly, my father wasn't alone. My brother sat gingerly in the passenger seat. I waved at him; he waved then turned his attention back to his phone call.

"When are you going to be back?" My dad asked curiously.

"In August. I'll be back in enough time to to start college. I'm not running away dad, I promise I'll be back," I said grinning.

"I know that. Well, your brother and I are going to go spend some time with your mom. Be careful, Joelle."

"I'm always careful," I said, before pulling away. They were worried because it was the first time I had ever travelled to Missouri by myself. I wasn't completely alone. My husky sat calmly in the passenger seat looking out the window. I had gotten her for my birthday a few years back. "You ready for a road trip, Izzy?" She turned to look at me with her bright blue eyes. I took that as a yes and started our three hour journey to Branson.

I pulled into the apartment complex parking lot. After I parked I admired the large field in front of me. Izzy would have some room to run and get energy out. "You're in luck already," I said, scratching her behind the ear. My sister's familiar red Cobalt sat beside me. She had gotten it for graduation four years ago. My parents had spoiled me with a new blue Mustang. "Alright, you go for a run, but please stay close." I begged with my stubborn dog. I climbed out of the driver's seat and walked around letting her out.

Carefully, I leaned against the hood of my car. This summer was supposed to be the best break I've ever had. My sister and I had planned it all last year before my senior year of high school. A gust of wind blew my long brown hair around my face. I tried to tame my mop of thick hair but failed. Finally, I gave up and piled it on top of my head wrapping a scrunchie around the ball of hair. I sighed and watched Izzy rip and romp throwing a stick in the air. "Joelle?" I turned at the sound of my name. My sister stood beside her car. "I barely recognized you!"

"Joss, you look great!" I said excitedly. My feet guided me to my sister as I engulfed her in a huge hug. She had let her hair grow out shoulder length. It was the normal blonde, as she kept it dyed. Her blue eyes were smiling down at me. Jocelyn had always been taller than me but she seemed taller than normal. Maybe it was because I hadn't seen her since she was married three years ago and we'd both aged. She was now twenty-three and I was eighteen. "Your hair has gotten so long," I said, taking a strand between my fingers.

She laughed. "I could say the same about you. Hey, I was just going out to get some Chinese food because I know it's your favorite. You can come with me or you can stay here with Nic. It won't take me long." I contemplated a moment. I wouldn't mind jumping in the car and going with her but I had Izzy with me. It then occurred to me that I hadn't spoken more than a few words to Nic. Then again, I was tired from my drive I really just wanted to relax. To be frank, I couldn't make up my mind. "You look a little tired. Why don't you go rest up for tonight? I made reservations for a new show in town. We're on the third floor the first door on the right. Here, I'll call Nic and have him help you." She began to pull her phone out but I stopped her.

"No," I protested. "I don't have much. I actually planned on shopping for new stuff. So, I didn't pack too awful much," I said, smiling at her. "Now, go get some food I'm starved. "

"Alright, I'll be back." She quickly hugged me once again and jumped in her car. I popped my trunk and gathered my three bags. Fortunately, they were all shoulder bags; three for me and one for Izzy. One had my clothes, one had my bathroom stuff, and the other had a mixture of Izzy's things and my shoes. I whistled loudly and Izzy came running. We jogged up the stairs together; both of our feet knocking on the wooden planks. I stopped outside the door. Do I knock? I asked myself mentally. Knock, I told myself. My knuckles left three steady knocks on the aluminum door.

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