Chapter 8 I can't stop thinking about you

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The next day, Clara's point of view :  That Wizard boy was still on my mind. He was cute. I couldn't stop thinking about him even when I tried to think about other things. The one thing I hate about being a teen is that my horny teenage girl side can peck thought even I don't want it to, Oh why did that Wizard boy have to be  so cute ?! 

Earth to Clara ! says one of my cross country friend J, waving her hand in front of my face. I snapped out of my thoughts. I was currently running with my cross country team in a frost preserve. Are you okay ? asks Megan running beside me. Oh I know that face you have a crush on a boy ! Lea chimes in. What !? no I don't ! I retrole.  A boy ?! tell us about him ! says Madison excitedly. Give us details ! says Lucy taking out a notepad. Girls I don't have a crush on a boy ! So Lucy put that notepad away ! I tell them. Lucy huffs putting  the notepad away. Then why are you blushing then ? smirks J. I realize i was blushing. Damn that wizard boy and how cute he is ! I thought bitterly.  Don't denie it girl giggles Lea. Boys who needs them scoffs Red. Exactly ! I say.  You know it's okay if you do says Megan. Maybe I do but it's ... complicated I say. Oh I get it was a one time thing says Ash. Yeah sleep with the guy one time and just leave him I get you girl I did that once says J. My eyes widen. J ! It wasn't like that ! And since when did you sleep with a dude ! I say to her. Her eyes widen. Oh geez she mutters. Yeah I say to her disappointed a girl her age would sleep with a guy. So what do you mean it's complicated ? asks Madison. I sigh. I just saw this cute guy and nothing else  happened I say. I know it wasn't  the truth but they couldn't know how actually I meet him. We get it that kinda stuff happens says Lea. Okay can we drop it ! I say getting annoyed. Sure sighs Megan. I sigh in relief.

Hey Misfits ! Stop talking and run faster ! Shouts Ashley The Bitch of the team. She was behind us. Like way behind us. I could  tell  she was out of breath. I smirk and Shout  Yeah Ashley tell us that to us when you actually with   us and not way back there I remarked. We laughed. I hate you !!!! Ashley shouts giving up running. I laugh. We hate you too Ashley  snarks J. We laugh. What a bitch smirks Red. Well she dose complain alot laughs Megan . Hey come on guys that isn't nice Bridget  says running  besides us. Oh come on bridge she is ! says J. Especially her mom Remarks Lea. Look we need to be respectful  of others Bridget frowns.

I sighed . I have respect for  Bridget. Sure she's your typical nice and caring girl like O'neil. But the reason  I have respect for her is she saved a girl from Suicide as I mentioned  earlier and that takes balls. Also it's really hard to get my respect so she's lucky. Okay Bridget your right that wasn't nice but she called  us misfits I had to say something  back at her I say. Bridget gives me a smile. I know but you just have to ignore other people she tells us. Easy for you to say I mutter. Hey we're all meeting at our hideout for Halloween karaoke night, right ? asks Madison. Oh totally it's the one place us Freashmen and softmores can hang I say. Sweet hey Bridget you wanna come too asks Megan. What are you doing she's a senior it's us freshmen and Softmores only girl ! Snares J. She's the only cool Senior J I say let her come I tell her. I would but I don't want to leave Lurale alone  bridet solomonly says. I'm afraid.... I stop bring her with we would  like to see her again I smile. She smiles. I'll try to convince her but if I can't I won't be able to come She explains. We nod. We get will see you tonight says J as we run her to car. Wait J ! Guys ! We're not done with our mile ! Bridet shouts but we were already in the J's car. But that Wizard boy still burned in mind. I really  hope I get to see him again...

Okuni-Kushi's  point  of  view  :  Anger clouded my mind. I was back at the beginning this time I didn't have my Scroll because  that thife stole it. I couldn't  find Shini now. Agh ! I need to find that thief. I slumped down on my bed. I still thought about  that thife she was beutiful  but I couldn't  trust her. I needed to get the scroll back. I closed my eyes as I saw visions of Where the Thief was with my scroll. She was at some kinda of  club with singing. I then saw a sign it read Misfit bar. I opened my eyes. Looks like I found  the thief. Time to get my scroll back. I put on some regular clothes to fit in for the bar. Part of me was a little  happy about seeing the thief  again

Author's note  :  that was a funny  chapter stay tune because  the next one is very funny and musical 😊

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