Chapter One

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“Mom, can I talk to you about something?” Demi said nervously as she pushed the food around her plate. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to eat the food though. She just had some things on her mind since returning from Africa. It was almost as though Demi came back with an incredible debt to save the world.

“Sure sweetie, is everything okay?” Diana frowned after noticing how little her daughter had eaten. She didn’t want to jump to any conclusions, but something about Demi seemed off, and she couldn’t quite figure out what it was.

“Well…” Demi said before pausing and taking a deep breath. Diana looked into her daughters eyes intently, waiting for the words to spill out. “I’ve been thinking, you know, ever since I got back from Africa…” Her words trailed off again momentarily. “I think I might want to foster a kid.” She said bravely, nervously waiting for her Mom’s reply.

“I think it’s a great idea and all honey, but do you realise how difficult that would be for you? What will the kid do when you’re off touring the world? What will the kid do when you’re never home because you have the X-Factor, or press, or interviews? Diana paused for a moment. “Foster kids aren’t the easiest to look after either. You would need to be there for them no matter what. And you can’t palm some poor kid off to your friends when you get bored of them…” Feeling as though she had said too much, Diana stopped talking and took a giant gulp of water from her glass, hoping that Demi would reconsider.

Demi rolled her eyes. “Mom, I think I have been through enough in my life to handle one kid. Besides, you know how great I am with Maddie.” She replied truthfully.

Diana thought about what her daughter had just said, and could see some advantages to it. “Would you foster a young kid or a teenager?” She paused again. “Remember how busy your life is right now.” She pleaded, but deep down knew that once Demi had her mind made up, no one could stop her from doing anything.

“I think an older one, around Maddie’s age.” Demi replied smiling, thinking about how much she could help someone who has had it tough their whole life.

“I refuse to be the parent who stops their kid from making his or her own life decisions, so it is up to you Demi, but please, please think about this carefully. This could change your life in ways you could not imagine.” Diana replied breathlessly. She wanted Demi to be happy, but could only hope this wasn’t going to be a reckless decision. After all, she knew how it felt to be a worried parent.

Demi rose from her seat and hugged her mom tightly. “Thank you for understanding. I promise I will think about it, but I feel this might be exactly what I need.” She said sincerely.

Diana let out a deep sigh before clearing up the dirty plates from dinner. “Demi?” She said abruptly. “Finish your dinner please.” She added, looking her daughter in the eye with worried eyes.

“Oh, right, haha!” Demi replied. “Forgot about that.” She added with a slight giggle in her voice as she finished the meal she had barely touched. At least she could eat now she got everything out in the open.

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