Chapter Two

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One month later

“This is it!” Demi whispered to herself as she opened the door to meet the child she would be fostering full time. She nervously made her way to the reception desk and waited for the administration lady to get off the phone.

“Hi, how may I help you?” The administration woman said in an ear-piercing tone. Demi was so nervous that she was lost for words. She has NEVER been lost for words in her life.

“Oh, I’m Demi Lovato. I’m meeting the child I’m going to be fostering today.” Demi said bravely, trying to comprehend what she had just gotten herself into. It suddenly felt like a surreal dream.

The woman’s jaw dropped upon realizing who was standing in front of her. “R-right this way, Miss Lovato.” She said nervously. She had never met a real life celebrity before. Demi internally giggled. This kind of reaction was not uncommon for her.

“Thanks” Demi replied as she took a gulp of air, following the woman into a room at the end of the corridor.

*knock knock*

 “Come in” A deep manly voice replied from the other side of the door.

“This is Miss Lovato, she is here to meet her foster child.” The woman said to the man. It was then that Demi noticed a small framed girl, shaking almost violently on a chair in the corner of the room. She looked absolutely terrified.

“Miss Lovato, I’m so pleased to meet you. I am Kevin Heely, Stefani’s social worker. I’ve heard so much about you.” Kevin grinned as he prompted Demi to take a seat.

Demi’s nerves intensified after seeing how shy the young girl appeared to be. What if she couldn’t handle this all? What if this wasn’t a good idea? There’s no backing out now, she thought to herself.

“Pleased to meet you too.” Demi replied. “Call me Demi” She smiled politely, trying to hide how nervous she truly was.

“Demi, meet Stefani, your new foster child.” Kevin replied cheesily. Demi felt like she was in a soppy romantic comedy.

“Hi sweetheart.” Demi smiled through the nerves. “You’re going to come and live with me. How would you like that?” She said in an encouraging matter, hoping Stefani would be brave enough to give Demi a chance.

Stefani let out a small smile and nodded without saying a word. She knew exactly who Demi was, and she couldn’t believe that someone like her wanted to foster her. It had to be a joke, right?

“She’s… A little shy.” Kevin laughed awkwardly.

Demi threw a toothless smile towards Stefani, causing the young girl to look away nervously. “Well I am so excited to get to know you Stefani.” Demi said in an encouraging tone, prompting Stefani to smile again. She really is shy, Demi thought to herself.

“Do you have any questions for Demi, Stefani?” Kevin interrupted.

Stefani’s heart was beating so fast she hardly understood a word he said to her. She took a few deep breaths, while attempting to string together a sentence. The last thing she wanted was for Demi to think she was ungrateful or bratty. “W-when do I move in with you?” She asked shyly, feeling comforted by Demi’s gentle smile.

Demi glanced towards Kevin, unsure herself the exact date. It couldn’t be too long though. “The paper work should be finalized by Monday.” Kevin announced. “You should be able to bring Stefani home by Monday afternoon at the latest.” He added happily.

“There you go kiddo!” Demi giggled, hoping to brighten the mood in the room a little. “Not long to go now.” She added, shooting Stefani yet another friendly smile.

“Anything else?” Kevin prompted, keeping an eye on the time. He was a stickler for ensuring appointments were finished on time.  

Stefani remained silent for a moment; there were so many things she wanted to ask Demi. Would she always be there for her no matter what? Would she keep promises and care about her? Would she send her to school? “U-um…” Stefani’s eyes scanned the room as she thought of another sentence to spill out of her nervous mouth. “Where do you live?” She asked as quietly as a mouse. Seriously Stef, could you have thought of dumber question to ask than that? She thought to herself.

“I hope you like nice weather, because I live in LA!” Demi replied, noticing Stefani’s mood instantly brighten as soon as she replied. She has never lived in a nice, sunny neighbourhood before. She always lived in the cold, dreary states that made her even more depressed than she already was, not that she would confess her true feelings to a single soul.  

“Cool” Stefani replied. Her smile was so beautiful, just like Demi’s. It was one that could instantly brighten up the room. It was at that point, Demi knew she had made the right decision.

“Well, that’s all we have time for today ladies.” Keven interjected. “But I’m sure you will have a lot of quality time together come Monday.” He smiled as he showed Demi to the door.

“I’ll see you on Monday, sweetheart. It was so lovely to finally meet you.” Demi smiled sadly. If only she could have taken her home then.

“Nice to meet you too, Demi.” Stefani smiled with a small wave. It still didn’t feel real. How could someone like Demi want to foster someone as repulsive as her? It still had to be some kind of sick joke.

“See you Monday.” Demi smiled, blowing a kiss as she was escorted into a room next door by Kevin to discuss a few things before the papers could be finalized.

“Now…” Kevin remarked seriously, grabbing Demi’s full attention. “There are a few things you should know about young Stefani before you commit to this.” Demi nodded curiously. She knew foster children often had difficult upbringings.

Kevin fastened his tie nervously before continuing. “Stefani hasn’t had the easiest childhood.” He paused for a moment. Demi nodded, prompting him to continue. “She has a history of abuse triggering some anxiety, but we have been working with her to make her as well as possible.”

Demi’s heart wrenched, how could anyone be so horrible to such a beautiful young girl? “Is there anything I need to do to ensure her anxiety is under control?” She asked sincerely.

“Just be open and honest with her. Open the lines for communication and stick by her. She often mentions looking up to you. I think you will do her the world of good.” Kevin smiled. Demi now felt even more of a connection with Stefani, reaffirming that she wasn’t absolutely insane for agreeing to something so life altering.

“I’ll try my best” Demi smiled as she wrote her signature on the last document before handing it to Kevin. “I think we will get along quite well.” She added cheerfully.

“I know you will.” Kevin replied truthfully. “Now, if you follow me, I’ll show you out.” He offered kindly as he led Demi to a side door enabling her to reach her car without the sea of Paparazzi that were trying to catch a glimpse through the main entrance. “I’ll see you Monday” he said while waving goodbye.

“Thank you Kevin. I will see you then.” Demi replied before making a run for her car, making it just in time before the media spotted her. 

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