Saturday Morning Struggle...

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Woken by the repetitive bleep from my alarm, I reached for my phone and read the time. "9:30am". I sighed and attempted to find some motivation to get out of bed. I pulled back my covers and make my way to the kitchen. My parents and younger brother, who is 16 years old, were out as he had an important football match at Newcastle and so decided to stay over for the weekend.

I poured myself some orange juice and butter 2 slices of toasted brown bread. I moved my food to the coffee table in the living room and flopped onto the sofa. I ate and watched some YouTube videos. I could feel my lips form into a smile as my subscriptions read that Chrismd had uploaded a new video: "Dizzy Penalties with Tobi!". I've been a fan of Chris for a while now, his videos are some of my favourite things to watch. And let's be honest, he's not too bad on the eyes either...

After watching one too many, I rushed upstairs and checked the time, "11:00am". My train was in 25 minutes and so I started to frantically pack a small bag with enough clothing to last me 2-3 days or so. I brushed my teeth, threw my hair up in a ponytail and pieced together a basic outfit: grey jeans, a white tee, Nike trainers and black hoodie.

I arrived at the station just in time for my train.

A weekend to remember//Chrismd Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now