The end of the road?...

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Warmth rushed to my cheeks and I replied with a shy smile.

He said I looked cute. Is that a good or bad thing? Knowing that I'm a few years younger than him, he probably thinks I'm some small child. Of course he doesn't like me like that. I mean he's only known about my existence for like 3 hours. He'll see me as just another fan. But back to the point, he said I was cute; a compliment none the less. I rarely get attention off boys... Come on y/n, you need to stop over thinking. It meant nothing and it's not like I have feelings for him. Right?

I heard a jumble of words being directed towards me, breaking me from my thoughts a pulling me back into reality.
"Sorry, I was day dreaming, what was that?" I asked.
"I said I guess this is goodbye for now" Chris answered, laughing slightly.
"Ermmm, yeah I guess" I said scratching the side of my head. "It's been great meeting you and good luck with youtube".
"You too and thanks" Chris replied. He shuffled towards me, stretched out his arms and pulled me in for a hug. His embrace immediately triggered a fluttery feeling in my stomach. I buried my face into his chest to hide the tint of red in my cheeks. I stood safely wrapped in his arms for what seemed like minutes.

"Chill out guys, are you in love or something" I heard Hope call, causing me break away from his grip. The other lads laughed at her comment. I simply smiled, and walked over to her.

Daniel, Josh and Chris split off from us and made their way to their car. Hope pressed the key and a soft click sounded. I opened the passenger door.

I was quite sad about the whole thing coming to an end. I had forgotten how refreshing it felt to laugh and joke about with some new people. The fact that I would probably never see Chris again was the saddest part to it.

"Hey, you guys wanna come round to mine, you can sleep if you like, I have a couple of spare rooms?" Hope asked, shouting to them from the other side of the car park. All 3 boys looked at each other and nodded.
"I mean sure, we don't have any other plans" Daniel shouted. "We'll follow your car back to your apartment".

I glanced over to Chris and he smiled at me. I stepped into the car. Immediately, I felt a large grin sweep across my face. I was so happy about getting to spend more time with them, especially Chris.

The  journey back was quick and in no time we were back at the apartment. We walked through reception and waited for the other boys to arrive, since they had some how managed to loose us on the way back.

"Hi again, it's me" I heard a voice say from behind. I turned to find Chris. We both laughed at the reference and began to have a conversation while waiting for the lift.

In hindsight, it would have been quicker to have taken the stairs but Hope will do anything to get out of walking. After a minute wait, the lift arrived. We filed into the compact box. It was quite a tight squeeze as there was several other people. I found myself stood against the back wall of the lift with Chris.

Hope's apartment was on the top floor and so it took a fair amount of time to reach level 48. The lift stopped frequently and more people came in.

The increase in bodies caused me to shuffle further towards Chris. Our arms were side by side as I was squashed up against him. We both gave each other an awkward smile. Although it was an uncomfortable position to be in, I can't deny I did enjoy being so close to him once again.

Eventually we reached the top floor. We exited the lift and after a short walk down the hallway, we reached her room. Hope unlocked the door and we all proceeded inside.

A weekend to remember//Chrismd Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now