Chapter 1

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I stumbled into the lecture room, probably looking like a maniac with curly hair wild all over the place, most likely a smudge of grease on my forehead, and a tie lazily hanging from my neck.

Then to make it worse- I tripped, sending my papers scattering everywhere.

The college students looked at me in bewilderment, wondering who this kid, around their age was.

I gathered my things and hastily stood up.

"Good morning class!" I said attempting a smile.


Yep. Not a shocker though, I got it a lot.

They always were thinking, who's this kid?

Wait, crap, he's our professor?

Yeah, I got that a lot too, being a genius.

I'm really not trying to sound arrogant, but I was a prodigy at math and mechanics, figuring out numbers at a young age that adults in their 50s couldn't do.

How the heck I had ended up here?

I'm not sure.

My dad, a top mechanic had recommended the job, which talking to me was a rare occurrence, and also it made a ton of money, which was great for me.

I mean, it was Harvard.

That's right folks, you heard it at the source.

I was Leo Valdez, 19 years old, a professor at Harvard.

Now wasn't that nice?


It was impossible to get a date, with people suspicious of me, or thinking I was a creep.

I would be creeped out too honestly, if my professor asked me out on a date.

The good thing was like I said, money, unlimited tools that I could work with, and many smart people to talk about my ideas with.

Although most of them were stuck up.

They were so proud of their smarts.

A lot of them boasted that they could be the next president, which actually was true.

I for one couldn't stand it sometimes.

I felt like all around me were just kids pretending to play dress up and be grownups. I felt like a kid still sometimes, despite being forced to grow up fast.

Growing up fast had a lasting effect on me that still was working today. It made  me miss out on my childhood.

Stuff like that happens when you lose your mother at age eight.

As a kid, I never went to birthday parties with screaming kids hyper active on cake.

No one ever invited me anyways.

I skipped out on hide and seek, preferring to work with nuts and bolts instead. And when I got bullied, I just ignored them, no matter how much it hurt me.

My mom was the best. She would hug me when they were harsh, and put band aids on my scrapes. She went to the principal and talked to him about stopping the other kids. Whenever he told her that he couldn't do anything, she would curse him in Spanish and go back to Leo.

"Ignore them, mijo, they're just jealous of my little genius." She would say.

She didn't know how true those words were.

She never got to find out.

The fire happened. And she was gone.

My father took me in. He really wasn't good at relationships, resulting in a poor one with me.

He had various nannies watch over me, until I kept trying to run away.

After that he sent me to a private school, where they discovered my genius abilities, making my life change quickly.

Suddenly I was boosted up grade after grade, high school to college.

Many notable people in the mathematics world came to meet me, just to see just so called genius kid.

I went to many lectures and conferences.

I even made a couple of inventions along the way.

It was crazy, resulting in where I was today.

A professor teaching a math class with students not much older than me.

• • •

"So you're Professor Valdez?"

"Yep the one and only kid."

"I'm the same age as you!"

"Who's teaching this class? Me. Now go sit down."

"Fine." The guy rolled his eyes and went to his chair.

I threw all of my papers on my desk and greeted the sophomores.

"So if you're here I'm assuming you want to learn Calculus? Well this is the right place kiddos."

They all either rolled their eyes at me or had cries of protest.

"Yeah, I know what you're thinking. It's really exhausting to go through this every year you know? So  you're just going to have to accept it. You may call me Professor Valdez. Today we're talking about sphere formulas. You better take notes."

So I don't really know how often I'll update this story... it was just one of the many drafts that I have stored on my Wattpad account. I really wanted to publish it cause I like the idea. So yep tell me if you liked it.

Yours in demigodishness, and all that. Peace out.

Genius: A Leo Valdez AUWhere stories live. Discover now