~Chapter 1~

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Hello, my name is Renessa Rose and I'm a Virgo of 16 years old, born on September 6th 2000.
I have an older brother, Caleb, he is two years older than me and VERY protective of me. I also have a younger sister, Emily, she is 6 years old and the cutest little girl ever!

Next, my parents. Well... My dad left my mom when I was about eight years of age and Caleb was ten. My mom was devastated. So when I was about twelve and Caleb fourteen, my mom told us we were moving to Seattle.

Since we moved I made a few friends but only about five stood out to be real friends: Natalia Mitchell, Christina Ruiz, Reina Wilson, Kyla Jameson and Mike Sanders.

Well Mike *was* my best friend... But if I'm telling this story I'm gonna a tell it right...

It all started on my freshman year....

"Are you sure no body's gonna make fun of me?" I questioned Caleb.

He sighed, still concentrated on the road. "Yes Ren. I still don't get why your so self-conscious, your beautiful."

What Renessa was wearing.

What Renessa was wearing

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Well you see. I'm considered a 'nerd' because you know.... The stereotypical thing... I have black thinframed glasses and I do well. I wouldn't say I have no fashion sense...

"... At school." I heard as a snap took me out of my day dreams.
I looked around me.

Oh great were at Hell. I sighed. "You'll be fine Ren." He kissed me on my forehead and got out of the car.

I got of the car and immediately noticed that everyone was separated.
The jocks and cheerleaders
The nerds
Drama geeks
The bad-ass people who always wear black and think there the better than everyone.

But where do I fall? I was so interested in the cliques that I wasn't watching where and I was going and ended up bumping into someone.

"Hey! Watch wher- Oh I'm sorry are you new?" He looked genuinely nice.

Chocolate brown eyes, blond locks that looked freshly geled that, you want to run your fingers through

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Chocolate brown eyes, blond locks that looked freshly geled that, you want to run your fingers through...

Oh my gosh Renessa! Stop it you just met him... In fact, you don't even know him.

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