~Chapter 2~

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About 30 seconds later, of looking into each other's eyes, a throat cleared. We instantly broke apart and came face to face to smiling Emily, smriking mom and smiling...... Caleb.

Mike cleared his throat and I played with the end of my shirt.

"Kitchen. Now." My mom spoke firmly.

"You and I are going to have a chat." Caleb told Mike.

"W-what n-no Caleb... He didn't do anything wrong..." I protested.
Caleb gave me the hand and I bowed my head following my mom.

She sat down at the table and smiled waiting for answers.

"Mom calm down it was just a friendly dance. And plus..."
I played with my fingers

"...I like someone else." I finished.
She squealed and started asking me questions. She was bummed that he had a girlfriend though.

With Mike and Caleb....

Mike's POV

Her brother is freaking scaring me. He keeps looking at me with this weird look full off anger and happiness.

"Look man I'm sorry if I touched her okay. Emily pulled her up first and-" he gave me a signal to stop.

"Look I'm not angry I'm actually quite happy. You see, Nessie is a really fragile girl. She was always bullied and well.. She didn't take it well... Until she met this guy Jason Dolley but turns out he was lieing to her about their friendship and ended up embarrassing her in front of the whole school. After that she went through depression for months and to make it worse.... Our dad left our mom and it got worse. So please.... I'm begging you....  Don't. Hurt. My. Sister." He explained and wiped the few tears he shredded.

"I-i'll never hurt her. I had a feeling she was fragile but not this fragile. I'm sorry for what you guys and poor little Emily had to go through." I took a long deep breath.

"Y-yea its been hard... Being the oldest. I have three great, wonderful girls in my life and I just feel like its my job to protect them.. You know?" He questioned.

I nodded. "I actually know how it feels. But the thing is my sister doesn't listen and she's so damn stubborn..." I chuckled but continued

"What do these good people do to go through these bad things? Why is the universe soo... Evil?" Caleb chuckled.

"Lord alone knows. And you better get back to Nessie before she thinks I strangled you." We both laughed.

"And Mike..." He started and I turned around in curiosity.

"Nice dance moves dude." He burst out laughing and I flushed. Completely. Red. What is this girl doing to me?

But I can't fall for her....

Back in the living room....

Renessa's POV

Caleb has had Mike in there for the past seven minutes.
After the talk with my mom she told me to follow my heart but if I catch feelings to keep it to myself.

The world has ways of hurting you... And one way is rejection.
Rejection does the worst things to you. It can even drive you completely mad.

For the past seven minutes I've been watching another episode of Hi-5 with Emily and another song comes on but neither of us move.

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