~Chapter 8~

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From Cristina's POV

"Your making Nessa question your relationship you idiot! Why the hell didn't you call, text, email... NOTHING?!" I ranted while pacing up and down.

"Um, Tina... Are you forgetting I have a cast on?!" He retorted.

I scowled, "Oh but you can call Jake huh? The one who was mean to her for her first week in the school, the one who made her cut, THAT'S WHY SHE'S SELF CONSCIOUS MIKE! DANM IT!"


From Renessa's POV

I looked into his eyes and tears rolled onto my cheeks and he pulled me into a bear hug, me clutching onto his shirt for dear life.

"Shhh..... Nessie if you felt this way you should've told someone.. Because I surely didn't know you felt this way.." He whispered into my ear.  

I tried to speak my chocked on my words, making Caleb continue to whisper sweet nothings into my ear..

When I finally calmed down he asked me to tell him why I didn't bother telling him.

"Well, for starters no one really noticed anyways... Every time our family would meet up for Thanks Giving they would only ask about you or Emily so I saved my breath. And mom never really conversed about me anyways.. It's like she was embarrasses because of what I did to myself... So she never really spoke to our family about me.. If your wondering how I dealt with it.... Well I just ignored everything and well.... they ignored me as well."

F-F-Fine.. You got your wish.. I'll just stay over at Mike's or Natalia's or one of my REAL friends... Bye Caleb.." I grabbed my phone and ran out of the house but not before leaving a note for my mom and possibly my 'dad'. 


I wasn't even paying attention to the movie as far as I know... Until I got an email.. from Mike..

I quickly opened my phone and opened the email.

Me: Same old same old, I'm almost done tho. Oh and should I go see him tomorrow or wait for the two days?

Nat: Are you seriously asking us this right now?! G-O.

Tina: Ya gurl. Go get your man back on his feet. He needs you.

Reina and Kyla: Agreed 100%.

Me: Thanks guys! Ya'll are the best.. Love ya'll.. anyways I'm really tired. I'm gonna get some sleep.


Renessa's POV

I woke up the next morning feeling excited and nervous... 

What if he was just lying?

What if he forgot out one year anniversary?

I shook those thoughts and layed out some options.. I don't want to look over-dressed like I actually tried... But I wanna look pretty for him too.

Wow, It feels like I'm going to my crushes house... not my boyfriends' house.

 not my boyfriends' house

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