Christmas Special part 1

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Okay so, first of all, I'm sorry for not updating the story in so long. So I've come up with an idea. Why not do a Christmas special? So its a day  before school closes.

Guest staring: Paul Wesley as Jacob Rodriguez.

Guest staring: Paul Wesley as Jacob Rodriguez

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Mike and Rebecca are still together and to Mike's disgust he has been actually starting to feel something for her again. Mike and Renesa have been speaking but it has been quite awkward since their 'breakup'

Renessa has not given up that one day she and Mike will live happily ever after and get married when their older...  But lately she's been giving up hope but her friends, Cristina and Natalia have been telling her that she will find that special someone. (Kyla left them to go be with Reina)

But lately as she sees everyone with their special someone so she's been avoiding everyone so she can not see them all 'lovey dovey' Even her mom found someone his name is James. He's nice, seems like good boyfriend material. And much to her dismay, there was something going on with Reina and Caleb and its like she has him under a spell, because he's been meaner to her, bossing her around and their sibling bond they spent months recreating, has seemed like its broken....

So all in all, Renessa's life has been a total disaster... But who knows it might change...

Chapter 11~ A Christmas Special.

Renessa's POV

So my life has been quite the disaster lately. Mike looks like he's honestly falling for Rebecca, my brother has been dating the bitch queen, and everyone else has a boyfriend and girlfriend and I'm here just single... How pathetic right?

Its the last day of school tomorrow and our school is holding a party at some kid I've never heard of's house. So I doubt I'll be going.. I mean what would I be doing there? With no one. Watching my friends get cosy with their boyfriends while I just sit there alone, being my pathetic self.

Anyways I'm sitting at this cafe by myself as Cristina and Natalia are out on dates with their boyfriends... And if your wondering, yes I'm jealous.. I never left them out when I was with Mike and suddenly it's like they are more important than me.. As I was dwelling on my thoughts this guy from my history class came up and smiled at me. "Hey um, the school is having this party thing at my house and I was wondering if you would like to come.... Renessa?" He asked and paused on my name.

"Renessa. Yea we have history together." I confirmed.

He chuckled, "Yeah. And French and English. I'm Jacob by the way."

I smiled and shook his hand. "And about the party... Um, I'm not sure about it yet, um my friends are all going with their boyfriends and its kind of awkward with me being there... Without a boyfriend." I admitted.

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