~Chapter 17 part 2~

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Hey guys! Sorry if I wasn't that active, for those of you who didn't know, school just started back for me and I'm getting really busy with homework and projects and other stuff like that. But for those of you who knew and didn't pressure me, thank you for understanding! 

And guys! Huge announcement!!!! I'VE JUST HIT 1K READS!!!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!!! I wouldn't have continued this story without your support and everything, so once again thank you!! For everything you have done, for those who stuck through this story from the beginning and even those who recently started reading my story, this is a mildstone in my writing, this story, because I NEVER thought I would've even gotten to 100 or 200 reads. But my friends (SHOUTOUT TO MY FRIENDS!!!!!!!) told me that I'll be fine and supported me through it, even though they almost kill me for leaving them with cliffhangers (you know who you are *wink*). So a big thank you to those friends! LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH!

So anyways, this story is probably almost half way done, but I'm still deciding if I should do a separate book on their college life or just continue their journey in this book, cause you never know what twists and turns you meet in college... Because I mean it's college... So if I continue their journey through college in this book, OR end the book with an epilogue of Renessa and whoever she gets married to and start a new book to show HOW they got there with all of the obstacles they met up to their married life (if that makes sense) SO PLEASE COMMENT BELOW WHICH OPTION I SHOULD DO!.

Option 1- Continue their journey through college in this book up till their married life


Option 2- End this book with a time jump of around 10 to 20 years at Renessa and her crews married life and do a part 2 to this book of their college life and their twists and turns of relationships. (If that makes sense)


And now that I have gotten all of that out of the way, let's get on to what you really came for!

Chapter 17 part 2 of....... BEHIND THE GLASSES!!!


"Here you go, One Vanilla Latte for my lady..." He smiled at me and sat down opposite me, "So what is it do you want to tell me?"

I took a few deep breaths as he looked at me with worry, "Well you remember when I met you at your locker before Music a few weeks ago and I looked like I was crying?" I asked him first.

He raised his eyebrow, "Yea..." He dragged out nervously.

I exhaled deeply, "Um well, Aaron slipped his arms around my waist but I knew it wasn't you because you wear better cologne than him..." He smirked at me and tilted his head to the side.

"But anyways" I continued as he chuckled at me, "I told him to get away from me and he told me no and pushed me up against the locker and started to 'feel me up' and I told him to let go of me otherwise I'll scream" I told him and he was getting angrier by the moment, his fists clenching and his eyes getting bloodshot.

"He told me that I was bluffing and I did scream and he pushed me hard against the lockers and I slid down crying... That's why my back was hurting me a for a few days after that... I'm sorry I didn't tell you I just... I just thought you would've yelled at me" I admitted sheepishly and he smiled gently at me before clenching his fists together...


"Please.." I pleaded to him, his fists still clenched and face turning read, looking like he wants to kill someone, "Don't do anything stupid"

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