~Chapter 3~

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I rolled my eyes and flushed red. Mike chuckled and Nat laughed.

"Are you ready to tell me, Nes?"
He asked me.

Was I?


Was I really ready to tell Mike? But why was I so scared?

Oh, I know why, he'll just tell me that I'm not his type.

"Oh for goodness sake! She likes Aaron." I gave Natalia a glare after she blurt out my business.

"Aaron?" He asked trying not to smile.

I knew it... :(

"Yeah... I know he doesn't like me so don't even say it." I stormed off.

When I stormed off I ended up bumping into his girlfriend.

(A/N Picture below)

Just great does the world hate me?

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Just great does the world hate me?

"Oh look who it is... The girl who is trying to steal MY boyfriend." Hailey snarled at me.

"I-i n-no.. Y-you see..." I tried

She showed me 'the hand' as a request for me to stop. "Listen up here nerd, he's not EVER going to like an ugly nerd like you with no fashion sense. He likes girls who can ACTUALLY stand up for themselves and that are confident.  So do him a favour and stop flirting with him because he's MINE."

I bowed down my head in shame.... And also to hide my tears because I DEFINITELY did not want her to see me cry.

"Not anymore I'm not."

I quickly blinked away my tears and looked up. "W-what do you mean your NOT?" She yelled.

"I mean that I'm not your boyfriend anymore." He spoke slowly like he was speaking to a child.

She huffed and stormed away not before yelling, "You will pay for this Renessa Rose... And you won't see it coming..."

"Um, thank-" I started but Mike and Natalia interrupted.

Great timing..

"Hey, you alright we heard what happened with the 'queen bee'"

Before I could answer I got a message from my cousin, Lexi McKell.

LexLex💙- Hey Rosie, Guess who's coming down to Seattle for the weekend?!

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