6. I love you

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CatWoman P.O.V.

I ran as fast as I could hopping to the next rooftop. The shivering wind blew through my face as I jumped onto the next rooftop. I look behind me, checking for anyone that might be chasing me. Nobody. I ran faster, ready to hop onto the next building.
Bang I feel an object hitting me from the side. A burst of wind thrust me against the object. I look down, I'm flying. I turn my head to the left, Batman.
He pulls out something and shoots it into the air, pulling us to the right. We land on the ground in front of dozens of cops surrounding us. I hit his arm so he would let me go. All of the sirens going off makes my head pound as if my brain was replaced for my heart.
"I got her, no worries." He assures the cops. He places his hand out, I put a pouty face on and give him the sparkling diamond bracelet.
"Thank you sir, but we need to bring her back to prison." The cop announces. I look up at Batman and roll my eyes.
"I got this under control, it won't happen again." He informs the police. I let out a sigh as the cops talk it over. They finally agree to let me go with Batman, thank gosh.
"That was close." I say loudly. He steps in front of me blocking the way.
"Excuse me." I sass to him as I fold my arms and eye roll.
"What you did back there was unacceptable. That can't happen again." He shouts to me, I let out another sigh and dangled my head. I see the stars as diamonds, waiting for me to grab them.
"Do you hear me?" He scolds. Blah, blah, blah.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever." He looks down at me and sighs.
"Selina, you're gonna get caught one day and I won't be there to save you. What will you do then?" He asks in his low voice.
"I won't get caught." I sass back, placing my hands on my hips.
"Selina!" He yells.
"What?" I yell back.
"You got caught back there and you're trying to tell me you're never gonna get caught again?" He lectures me as I look to my side, not wanting to look back at him.
"If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have got caught. You're the one that placed me in the cops hands." I shout out to him. He puts his hand on his head.
"Selina." He whispers keeping his hand over his head.
"If you didn't steal a million dollar bracelet I wouldn't have had to do that." He shouts again.
"Well, nobody was doing anything with it anyways." I argue back.
"Just because they have it on display doesn't mean you can just snatch it." He replies back.
"Selina, I don't know. You just don't listen." He says quietly.
"Yes I do! You just can't handle that I'm right. If you wouldn't have snatched me up I wouldn't have gotten caught." I yell louder now. My face turns red with anger.
"And how do you know that, huh?" He asked angrily.
"I always do, but you always ruin the fun." I answer.
"You can't go around stealing stuff for fun! That's not how life works." He explains.
"This is what I do." I tell him calmly. "And if you can't understand that, the- then." I shutter. "Then maybe you and I aren't right for each other." I holler at him and storm away.
"Selina, wait." He yells out. I stop where I am and turn back. I love him I really do, but I don't think that we're meant for each other. We're polar opposites. A tear has welled up in my eye. I wipe it away, feeling the coldness of my leather mask.
I start running to him as fast as my legs can take me. I bounce up and hug him and he hugs me back. His embrace makes me smile once again.

I'm sorry this was SUPER short but I really wanted to post it. The title might have tricked you, hehe. Thanks for reading I'll be updating soon Byeeee!

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