The Day My Life Changed Forever

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The beating red alarm clock read 6:00 am. That was way to early to be waking up on a Monday morning. But the smell of chocolate chip pancakes made me rise out of bed. Took my shower then putting my hair in a French braid went down stairs with my leather boots on and my jacket in hand. "Good Morning, Honey!" Mom says while flipping my pancakes for me."Good Morning Mom, thanks for the pancakes." She gave me a smile I couldn't help but smile back at. I loaded my pancakes with syrup and watched my mom walk into the other room and as she came back she was holding a present for me.

"Happy 17th Birthday Emily!" She gave me a huge hug with a kiss on my forehead. "Thanks mom." I took the gift and began to open it. Yes! She remembered! We were in a antique store a about two weeks ago and I saw some old classic rock records siting in a box. I really wanted them but Mom shoot me a look that said "maybe another time." So I moved on and and hoped she would remember for my birthday day. "Wow! Thanks Mom! These are exactly what I wanted!" I gave her a hug that almost crushed her. I loved my Mom. She was my rock,my warrior, my life would be nothing without her in it.

"Glad you like them Em. Now have a good day at school, drive safe honey!" She always watched out for me even when I wasn't looking out for my self.

I gave her a smile and a very sarcastic "I will". She gave me a little smirk and then shut the door.

I walked down the steps, to my '69 Dodge Charger. It was the closest car I could get my hand onto that resembled my favorite car. A '67 Black, 4 door, Chevy Impala. God I loved that car!

I started my engine and off to hell I went...

I don't have many friends. Except for Carmen, but she is practically my sister so she doesn't count. I'm truly not much of a people person. But when I do talk to someone they immediately feel comfortable with me. It's strange but I usually just sit by myself listening to my classic rock. It has always been just my mom and I. And I could only confided in her. I met my grandparents when I was a baby but never again did we meet. She never talks about them so they might even be dead.

My Dad died before I was born. Mom always told me stories of how he traveled the country for "work" with his brother. They hunted down bad guys so  I'm guessing he was a cop or something cool like Dads usually are. She loved him, and when ever I asked about him I could see the pain of him in her eyes. She missed him. It was love at first site when she saw him. I was a lot like him she said. With the music I loved, clothing I wore, and how fast I could eat a slice of pie. I loved pie. I bet I would have loved my Dad.

As the day goes on, feeling like years, Hell finally releases us at 2:30 pm. On my way home,which only a 20 minute drive, a black car started to follow me. Not thinking much of it, I kept driving. It was following me home, so now I was getting nervous.

I finally got home and as I pulled in the driveway the car passed by. The drivers window was down and for a split second I saw him have black eyes. I blinked and they were gone so I didn't think much of it just thinking that I was tired or something.

Mom was home on the computer as always. Drinking her coffee and typing away. She was always on the computer. When I was younger, I would go into the office and ask her to play or what she was doing and I always got pushed out. To this day I'm still curious what she is looking up or typing but I ignore it.

I go to the kitchen and begin to make some coffee. I love coffee. My world needs coffee to run! My mom always puts a peppermint in mine and a few marshmallows. She shut down the computer and headed to the kitchen.

"Hey while your making some, can I have a cup?" I nodded in reply to her question. " What would you like for dinner, Birthday Girl?" I shrugged my shoulders and let out a laugh. "It doesn't matter mom, anything you make it good to me." Her eyes glittered with love as she smiled at me. I grabbed my coffee and poured some for her. "I'm heading to my room mom to listen to some music. Call my if you need me." "Okay honey, I'll start planning dinner!" She said with determination in her voice.

I got upstairs and looked at the clock. 3:30 pm is what the dark red light said to me.

I took out my record player and put on my favorite album Kansas. My favorite song was Carry on my wayward son. It really spoke to me and just always filled me with joy and relaxation. When I was younger, Mom and I would play "air-guitar" to this song. We went crazy and she always let me have the solo. I wish we could go back to those times. I turned it on and while leaning my head on my pillow I slowly drifted to sleep.

"Emily..Emily" Mom was nudging my shoulder to get up. "It's dinner time. I made home made ravioli for dinner, your favorite." I leaned over reading the clock. 5:30 stood out on the clock.

I walked down stairs and immediately smelt dinner. A huge smile formed on my face as I walked into the kitchen to sit down.

"Wow Mom, this looks delicious!" I made her smile. "Thank you. It needed to be special for the birthday girl!" She always knew how to cheer me up. I bet being a single mom was tough but she never showed it.

Just as we were about to sit down a black car pulled up along the end of the drive way. Blocking my car from getting out of the drive way.

We were not expecting anyone so we watched as 4 to 5 men got out of the car and slowly walked up to the house.

As the men were getting closer you could see their faces. Black eyes. I saw black eyes.  My heart was in my head pounding a 100 beats per minute. This made my anxiety begin to rise.

Mom was fixated on the men. The men began to pull out long sliver blades as they were getting closer. I was backing up from the table and shaking like crazy.

"Emily, go out the back door and run. Run like you've never ran before. And don't come back until I call you on your phone. GO! Go now...please!" She told me quietly but her voice was nervous and scared. I have never seen my mom so pale and worried.

My anxiety was not helping me right now. "Mom, who are those people? Why do they have black eyes?" I kept babbling off these questions and my mom was getting ready to fight.

"They are demons. So just go and go now." She kept pushing me away. I didn't know what to do. Stay and help my mom or did as she told. My mind said one thing but my heart said another.

I followed my mind and ran and didn't look back. Just as I got out the back door I heard a loud bang. 2 of the men just busted the door in. My mom, digging through the drawer picks up one of the exact silver blades. My head spinning  with confusion, I ran as fast as I could.

I came to a empty lot and hot wired a car there. I hopped in and drove. I drove out of town. I pulled into a gas station and screamed. What the hell was going on?! Who were those men? I was crying so hard my face was going numb.

All I could do now was wait for the call....


Hi everyone!! I don't know if many will read this but if you do please message me and tell me how it is! This is my first book I'm writing. And within the chapters if you have any ideas for me please tell me!! I'm so excited to see where this will take me!!!!!!


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