I hope they find me

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A water fall of ice cold water woke me up. It was from a pipe above me, bent towards my direction. I was in a dark room, chained to a chair, with a single spot light on me.

I had bruises on my wrists and ankles where the chains were.

A women walked closer to me. It was Claudite.

"Why? Why are you doing this to me?" I tried to focus on her but my vision was a bit fuzzy.

"Because your of high value to someone and she has a high reward for finding you."

Claudite walked to my face.

"So will you join her and follow directions? We can do this the easy way or the hard way."

Her eyes were as black as coal. They felt like they were piercing my soul.

"I will never go with you!"

"Oh, a strong little girl do we have here. Just like her family. You stupid Winchesters, always so stubborn. Well suit yourself. Oh Marcus!"

A metal door opened and I heard foot steps coming toward me.

Marcus soon came into the light.

He was a vampire. His teeth were all sharp and his face was covered in blood.

"Are you sure you don't want to come with me? We won't harm you at all! Pinky swear!" She laughed at her self.

She was lying through her teeth. Of course she was going to hurt me. If she didn't I would hurt her.

"Never. Torture me as much as you want I will never break. My Dad and Uncle will come and find me and they will kill your sorry ass!"

"I can't wait for them to try!" She picked up a rusty knife from off the floor. She came it my face and sliced my cheek open. Blood started to drip down my face then to my neck.

She then stuck the knife right through my thy. I screamed and tears began to run down my face. It hurt like hell. The pain kept getting worse and worse.

"Okay Marcus, you can have a little snack. Just don't kill her like the last one. "

My thy was bleeding like crazy. Claudite dropped the knife and walked away through the darkness.

Marcus came behind me and I felt a horrible pain in my neck.

He started to drink my blood.

He was drinking for a long time. I thought I was going to die from the blood loss. He finally stopped and I kept going in and out of consciousness. He punched me in the face and knocked me out.


Dean and Sam had just gotten back to the motel.

Cas appeared to them and rushed them into the room. Dean went in to see Emily but she wasn't there.

"Cas where is Emily?" His voice was very serious and worried.

"That is why I am here. We went to a local diner after you guys left this morning. A man heard us talking about the missing teens and said he has a lot of information. He gave us his address and said he was home the rest of the day. So after that we came back here and you two were not back yet. She left a note and we left. It was a house pushed back a little bit. When we got inside I felt something strange inside of me. I kept my mouth shut followed Emily who was following the man downstairs. I was looking over all of the information and Emily went to the bathroom. The man soon after left the room and I heard a big bang in the hallway. I looked down the hallway and the man, whose name was Marcus, and his girlfriend, whose name was Claudite, were carrying Emily into another room. The women then saw me and her eyes changed to black. She was a demon and I do not know how I did not  see her. There were relics over the walls and the demon hit one sending me outside the house. I could not get back in so that is when I came here."

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