Time after Time(Part one)

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A few weeks have gone by since...well since...since Matt.

I wasn't used it at first. I kept going to his room and jumping on the bed expecting him to throw me across the room but nothing ever happened. And it will never happen again. My only friend in this world was gone.

Sam and Dean kept trying to talk to me about him but I always shut them down. I didn't want to talk about him but really I couldn't. Words never formed in my mouth.

It was all lazy days at the Singer Salvage Yard. The winter chill was upon us. It's been a silent since my last encounter with a angel. I knew she was watching me. But everyone's tried to work with me but I just close my door me let no one in. I'm glad they understand I need my space but I think it was time to buck up and start facing reality.

I woke up and I was freezing my ass off downstairs. I wrapped a blanket around me and ran up the stairs. I was in several layers so I figured I looked funny. It was around 9 am so I figured the guys were awake. I fell at the top of the stairs and Dean came over to help me up. He stopped and laughed his ass off first though.

"Why are you laughing...that hurt!"

"Sorry Em but you look like a walking burrito."

He picked me up and I ran to the den. I sat in Bobby's chair right in front of the fire. Sam looked very confused when Dean walked around the corner still laughing.

"What'd I miss?"

"She looks like a burrito."

"I'm sorry I look like a burrito but it's so cold downstairs. I'm used to Alabama weather. Not South Dakota weather."

"Why you just move upstairs to the room you used to have?"

"Aren't you in that room?"

"Yeah but I can move into Matt's old room."

"You would do that Sam?"

"Sure Em."

"Thanks Sam."

"So I think I have a case."



I turned around and looked straight at Sam. "Vamps?"

"Looks like it. 3 people fully drained of blood with bite marks around there body."

"We're going...now!" I took all of the blankets off and jumped out of the chair to head downstairs to grab my bag and change.

"Em wait.." Dean grabbed arm just before I reached the door.

"Dean these are the vamps that...that killed Matt. We are going." Taking my arm back I ran down the stairs to change into some jeans and multiple layers. Including a black tee shirt, a red flannel, and my favorite leather jacket.

I shoved more clothes into my bag and headed upstairs. Bobby was talking to Sam and Dean.

"Hey Bobby."

"Are you sure you're up for this kid?"

"Yeah. I need to do this."

"Okay just watch out for yourself."

"I will." His hugs left like a big bear hug. He was actually very warm and fuzzy. Not always the town drunk. He kept his arm wrapped around me till we got to the car.

"Now you idjits come back home in one piece and watch out for her."

"Trust me Bobby. I'm not letting her out of my view." Dean put Baby in drive and we left Bobby's. Before we left I grabbed my laptop. There was a little dust on the top of it. Sam and Dean started to talk so I didn't want to eves drop. I plugged my headphones into my iPod and I cracked open the laptop.

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