Hex bags 101 (Part 2)

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After rolling over for the millionth time, I cracked my eyes open and turned over to the beating red alarm clock that blinked 5am. I sat up, rotating my back to give it a good stretch. Sam and Dean were still sleeping. Something felt different. Stretching my arms up, I brought them back down and rested them on my head. My eyes nearly popped out of my head when I felt that I had short hair. Going to bed with long hair and waking up with almost nothing was something to freak over.

"What the hell happened to my hair?" Before running to the bathroom I looked over at Dean who was in the bed next to me and he wasn't alone in bed. "Dean did you really sleep with a girl last night?"

"What, wait...what are you talking about- who are you- Oh my god!" I almost fell back on the bed when the person who sat up wasn't Dean, nor did it sound like him. We both screamed and glanced over at Sam. We saw long hair and assumed the worst.

"Sam?" I asked, walking closer to the extra bed.

"What? Why are you guys screaming so early-....oh my god. You..you're a...and you're a...what the hell?"

Dean was not Dean anymore. He was, well I should say "she" was now a girl. And I, I was a male now. Most uncomfortable situation I have ever been in.

"Sam how could this affect us and not you?" Dean questioned sitting up in his bed.

He thought for a few moments and then headed over to our beds. He reached under the bed posts and grabbed hex bags.

"It was those Damn witches! They probably planted it when we went out last night." Dean tried to dig his hands through his long, sandy brown hair, but his hand stuck in his bed head half way down. Pulling it out in aggravation, Dean pushed the covers back and got out of the bed.

"I bet the witches thought we would be sleeping in these beds and didn't know Emily was here." Sam stated before tossing the hex bags over onto my bed.

"Well what are we supposed to do now Sam?" I ran towards the bathroom, leaving the door open and turning on the light. Getting a good look at myself. Still had my brown hair and big brown eyes, but glancing down towards my feet, the realization that I will eventually have to pee sometime hit me. Gagging a bit, I looked back at Sam.

"You two need to change into clothing suited to your bodies right now. That means you, Dean, need a bra and Em, you might want some less tight clothing. This was going to be an interesting day for sure." Sam turned towards the kitchen, growing a smile on his face.

"Well let me have some of your clothes Sam or Dean. You can use some of my clothing Dean. Let's just hope it fits."

I went to the bathroom to change and let's just say it was something I never wanted to do ever again. I was a girl trapped in a boy body, wishing to scratch out my eyes once this is all over. Curious to know how Dean felt, I unlocked the bathroom door and noticed Dean looking through the top of her shirt. She liked this a bit too much.

"Okay, I'm all set." I walked out of the bathroom and watched Dean walk in.

"Need anything Dean?"

"No. I'm fine. I've used everything before."

I gagged a bit. I didn't need to hear that from my Dad or Mom for now. It was scary, we all looked like a little family.

Finally Dean came out, playing with his Boobs for the moment. "Why do girls hate bras so much? It's a great place to hide things."

"Okay let's not talk about this anymore. We need to find those witches and soon. I want to be in my other body. I am noting going pee again until we do."

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