Back on the road

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"So what are we hunting?"

"Well in a small town in Nevada. 2 people have killed their loved ones. Then the next morning they have forgotten what they did. One was a 70 man who killed his wife. They were married 30 years. The other is a young women who killed her fiancé. Seems strange."

"Maybe Demon or ghost possession."

"That's what I was thinking Sam."

"Okay. Well when do we leave?" I was very anxious. This was my first hunt in over a month.

"We will leave around noon. We need to stock up on somethings and pack our bags."

Cas appeared next to me at the kitchen table.

"Cas. We have a case in Nevada. Are you coming with?"

"Sure. I have no where I need to be. But are you sure you're ready?"

"Yeah. I need to get out and explore the hunter world." 

I finished my breakfast and headed straight down stairs to throw some clothes into a bag. I was excited to be going out with my Dad and Uncle and Cas.

I headed upstairs and I ran into Matt.

"Hey, call me if you get into any trouble."

"I will. Thanks Matt."

I gave him a hug. Then I headed out to the Impala. Bobby was there talking to Sam and Dean. They saw me coming and stopped talking.

"Kid, you come back in one piece. Ya hear me?"

He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a bone crushing hug.

"I promise Bobby."

I threw my bag in the trunk along with Sam and Deans. I sat behind Sam and Dean slid into the drivers seat.

"Are you ready Em?"


He started up the engine and I put my ear phones in and played my classic rock. I sat with my legs stretched diagonally across the back seat. Looking out the windows there wasn't much. Usually trees and a few houses. But mostly open fields.

After a hour in the ride I crashed. I love riding in cars and especially rode trips. Best sleep I ever get is in the back of a car. It was about a 20 hour drive so I decided to get my sleep in now incase I needed to drive.

We left at noon. I fell asleep at 1 and woke back up at 5. Dean was still driving and talking to Sam.

"Good morning sleepy head."

"'s morning? I slept that long?"

"No just a little joke. You slept for about 5 hours. It's 5pm now. We were going to stop to get some food. Want any?"

"Yes. Please."

We stopped at a local diner. Sam ordered a salad while Dean and I both ordered ordered bacon burgers and a slice of berry pie. It was a good thing I liked to run and stay active because with the food I love I would be very fat.

"Yeah, that hit the spot."

"Good. Your going to need it. I may ask you to drive later."

"Really? I've always wanted to drive a Impala."

He laughed.

"You like cars?"

"Yeah. My summer job was working on cars with a mechanic down the road. He was a good friend."

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