Chapter 19

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Alice sipped her hot chocolate and stared at Mya and Lia who sat on the couch across from her. Mya opened her mouth to speak

"Your story first" Alice said quickly. Mya raised an eyebrow


"I want to start with Lia. Were you following me this whole time?" Alice asked, Mya looked at Lia and crossed her arms curious to know the answer herself. Lia gave Mya a 'please don't hurt me' smile.

"Okay! I was sneaking out, I was tired of my studies and the kids at school were teasing me, so I wanted to go to the city to see it. I know you wouldn't let me if I asked" she confessed. Mya's mouth twitched,

"We'll deal with your punishment later. Now answer her question"

"Yes mam" Lia said with sadness. She recovered a mere seconds later and stared at Alice with excitement. "Well, on my way to the city I saw Alice, I recognized her instantly from mom's stories about her work. So I followed her since mom told me she's supposed to be taking over while she's on vacation visiting daddy and I.

"Whoops" Alice said giving Mya the same 'please don't hurt' me smile Lia did. She didn't even think about calling her workplaces before she left. She hoped she still had a job when she returned.

"You and that boy went through a lot of stuff" Lia said wiping her forehead, Alice nodded.

"How did you save me?"

"When I saw you in danger from that spirit I did what I'm supposed to do. Protect the innocent."

"But how?" Alice pressed, Lia lifted up her necklace that had a little gold cross on it.

"Protects me from evil" she explained, Alice had more questions but let them go.

"How did you get that rope around Alter Ace?" she asked.

"Alter Ace?" Mya said, Alice waved her question away

"That was easy, I used blessed rope." Lia answered,

"And how does this rope blessed exactly?" Alice said.

"Well it's simple it is." Mya slapped her hand over Lia's mouth.

"Not to be heard by outsiders" Mya finished, Lia bowed her head in shame. Alice scratched her head.

"I've had a cross when I was young it never did anything"

"That's weird, you seem like chosen" Lia blurted.

"Damn it Lia!" Mya cried, Lia sprinted out of the room. Mya put a hand to her head

"That child can never keep a secret" she muttered. Alice raised an eyebrow

"Tell me about this chosen" she insisted. Mya sighed

"I guess this is where my story begins."

"I was 18, really stupid and naïve. There was a strange student in my school who was very" she moved her hands looking for words, "Spiritual. He was very kind to everyone and never raised his voice ever. That behaviour branded him weird of course but that only striked up my interest. Before I knew it, I was talking to him and next thing I knew I was in love. Fortunately the feeling was mutual" Mya took a deep breath. "Long story short I got pregnant with Lia, once she was born he told me about chosen. Chosen are priests, but not like the average ones in the city, these ones have the ability to wield small amounts of magic through their practices to the all mighty one. Not everyone can be a chosen, chosen usually shows some kind of abnormal ability. My husband has the ability to soothe people to the point that they stop feeling pain in a matter of seconds. We discovered Lia's power as soon as she was a few days old. She has the ability to influence your thoughts."

"That explains how she got me to walk when I was fading in and out of conscious!" Alice thought allowed. Mya nodded

"In the city chosen can become corrupted easily and lose their abilities so they are all taken here as an infant. Once they reach 18 they can leave and pursue post-secondary education in the city or stay. The ones who leave can come back any time but once they return they must stay."

"Are you chosen?" Alice asked

"No that's why I can only stay here two weeks at a time to visit my husband and child." She answered.

"Am I chosen?"

"It seems Lia says you are, they can tell somehow."

"What's my ability?"

"Only you can know that, I'm sure you've used it sometime in your 18 years of life. Try to figure it out." Mya took a sip of her hot chocolate. "Now, it's your turn to talk."

Alice told Mya everything from the moment she was first followed to the current moment, leaving out a few details here and there. Mya nodded and pressed her lips together.

"It's the crystal you seek, I do know where it is"

"Where!" Alice said jumping up. Mya gave her a smile,

"I'll tell you on one condition."


"Stop the gang lord hunting and the dancing, focus on school Alice. Become successful and become a real cop, and for god's sake live in a house! You can live with me in my penthouse if you like. Just take better care of yourself. This life you're leading only leads to death or jail." Alice hung her head in shame, the way Mya described her life made it sound so pitiful. Alice shook her head

"But I love to dance!" My sighed.

"Then join a dance club at school and become a professional dancer in the future. No more late nights at the Golden Egg." Alice clenched her jaw wanting to refuse.

"I'll give everything up but the dancing"

"Alice" Mya said in a stern voice. Alice buried her face in her hands.

"Fine" she muttered, Mya smiled.

"The sun is setting, let's go get you friend. You two must be starving." Alice stomach growled at the thought of food. "Lia" Mya called, the little girl quickly scampered into view.

"Yes mom" she answered sweetly,

"Bring Alice with you pick up the boy. Dinner will be waiting when you return."

Alice followed Lia as she happily skipped through the little village. A few people waved to her and stared suspiciously at Alice. Alice quickened her pace wishing she could disappear from sight.

"Don't mind them, we don't have visitors very often" Lia reassured her.

"I can see" Alice replied pulling up her coat collar in an attempt to cover her face. They reached the town entrance where Ace sat still tied to a tree. He looked up when he heard their footsteps,

"Oh thank god Alice! I thought I had lost you, where are we? How did we get here? Who is she?"

"Silence!" Lia ordered, Ace's mouth shut. She untied the rope from the tree and grasped it tightly.

"It's alright Lia, he's Ace right now it's safe" Alice said.

"I'm not risking it and neither should you, not after what he did to you." She replied glaring at Ace,

"What did I do?" Ace asked looking from Lia's face to Alice's. Lia pulled on his rope like he was a dog.

"I said silence!" she snapped. Alice followed beside her a bit frightened by her sudden mood change. She looked at Ace with fear and concern before touching her throat. She turned away before she could see Ace's look of horror. 

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