Ourans New Twins

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*Kiyoko's POV*

I can't believe this new school we're going to has a uniform. And it's hideous, it looks like a cross between an oversized dandelion and a mutated canary. At least Mum talked to Chairmen Suoh and got us our own uniforms. I decided to get ready for school early, not wanting to be late for our first day at a new school. Luckily Keiko was thinking the same thing so we got ready together. "Thank goodness we didn't have to wear that thing this school calls a 'girls uniform'. There was no way I was ever going to wear that." Said my twin sister Keiko as she dressed into our new uniform. "I know right? I much prefer this." Our new (and specially made) uniforms consist of a black mini skirt with knee-high black socks and black ballet flats, with a white shirt and blue blazer from the boys uniform.

After getting ready for school, we went through an extremely foreign house to find that our maids had made us pancakes for breakfast. Keiko and I shared a knowing look, that roughly translated, means 'OK, some thing weird is going on. They never make us pancakes, even on our birthday.' When we asked when the occasion was they simply said that "We thought we would do something special for your first day at a new school." Umm, weird much? With just a quick glace at Keiko, I knew that she was thinking the same thing. After breakfast we headed of to school. We didn't get to say good-bye to Mom, seeing that she was busy working, but were used to that. Keiko and I grew up not relying on anyone but our selves (and obviously the maids) because no one ever had time for us.

Anyways, I'll tell you our life story some other time, but by now we're at school, and I'm surprised by how big it is. Keiko and I just look out the window of the limo and all we can say (in perfect unison, i might add) is "Wow". We're dropped of at school and we get out our map of the school and try to find to office. Now I know normal people would just ask someone for directions, but we aren't that fond of people. But like I said, I'll tell you our life story later. We get out our time table, and find our home room. "Well" we say "here goes nothing". And we push open the door to class 1-a.

We're greeted by a weird looking boy wearing big glass. "Hello, you must be the two new kids, the Hayashi twins right? You can take a seat behind the Hitachiin brothers, after introducing yourselves of course." We just looked at each other. 'Great, we have to introduce our selves in front of the whole class.' Keiko and I spoke in unison (we do that a lot) "We're Kiyoko and Keiko Hayashi." We didn't tell them which one is which, they will just have to figure that out for them selves. "And we would say it's a pleasure to meet you all, but it's not." we say, still smiling sweetly. We took our seats next to each other behind these "Hitachiin brothers." As soon at class had started, them automatically turned around to talk to us. "Hi, we're Hikaru and Kaoru and we're the Hitachiin brothers!" they said in unison.

Of course we ignored them and continued with our work. As I said, we don't like people that much. "Why won't you talk to us?" they said (in perfect unison). "Go away, we're trying to do our work." They seemed surprised that we were able to say that in unison as well. "Why don't we play a game? It's called 'Which one is Hikaru?' can you tell?" Me and Keiko just looked at each other. 'Well this will be easy' I thought and I knew Keiko would be thinking the same thing. "Your Hikaru..." Keiko said, pointing to Hikaru, "And your Kaoru." I said pointing to Kaoru. "Now leave us alone." we said, and we continued with our work. They looked completely and utterly stunned/surprised that we managed to figure out which was which. "Uhh, y-your wrong." they said. "No, we're right. I knew we are. It's so easy to tell the difference, I'm surprised the rest of the school hasn't already figured it out yet." Then the bell rang and so with that, we left Hikaru and Kaoru sitting there in their seats looking like deer's caught in head-lights.


*A/N. Soooo? what do you think? I hope u guys liked my first OHSHC fanfic, and I'm going to try and finish this one, cuz I haven't really been able to finish my other books (sorry, just kinda lost interest). But I'll do my best to finish this one, kay? Coolio, well, c ya 😉

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