An Unexpected Visit

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*Kiyoko's POV*

Since it was the weekend, we thought that we would sleep in, and stay in our pajama's all day, but apparently not. We woke up to the doorbell being pushed vigorously. When we opened he door, we didn't even have enough time to comprehend what was going on before we were being glomped on. We punch whoever it was in the gut, and then we see the Host Club standing on our door step, while Tamaki was in his new found emo corner growing mushrooms. I suppose it was him that we punched because he was mumbling "My daughters are mad at me." "What the hell are you all doing here, and how did you find our house?!?" we yell, while giving them lightning eyes through our bangs. "Sorry guys, I tried to talk them out of it." says Haruhi, who looks like she just rolled out of bed, because her hair was messy and she was still in the pajamas.

"Well you guys might as well come in, since you're already here. You guys can wait in the lounge, Haruhi, come with us." Haruhi looked confused, but didn't complain. "Wait, why does Haruhi get to come with you but we can't? Is it because you're still mad at me? How can I make it up to you? I could buy you a puppy, or-" "Sempai, would you cut it out?!! We're going to get change since we just woke up, and it looks like you literally dragged her out of bed!!" and we storm off hearing Kyoya chuckling and Hikaru and Kaoru saying "That's because we did." When we got to our room, we went straight to the wardrobe to look for some clothes for her when we found the perfect outfit for her. "Y'know, you guys really don't have to do this." "But that's what friends are for Haruhi. And don't worry, we have the perfect outfit for you." When we said this, she all of a sudden looked very worried. "Here," we threw her a set of cloths and pushed her into the bathroom to get changed.

Meanwhile we changed into a short white dress with long sleeves, then when we realize that we dressed in the same thing, we crack up laughing. We both stopped laughing though when Haruhi comes out. She was wearing some simple blue jeans, with a light blue shirt with sleeves, that would go perfect with some brown strappy-sandals. "Awwww, kawaii!! We knew that would be perfect on you." "Yeah yeah, what ever." she mumblel as we went down stairs to see if the guys had broken anything yet. When we come down stairs t find Hikaru, Kaoru and Tamaki fighting about who knows what. "Ummmm, what are we watching here?" we asked Haruhi. "I have no idea." When they saw us Tamaki glomped on Haruhi saying that his "daughter looks so cute!!" while Hikaru and Kaoru just stood there staring at us like blind men seeing the sun for the first time. We decided to play with them a bit. We acted upset and looked at them with sad looks on our faces. "What's wrong? Why aren't you talking? Do we look that terrible?" we finished looking on the brink of tears. They started stuttering compliments. We heard Kyoya chuckle and looked over to see him smirking at us, obviously knowing exactly what we were doing. We gave him a "What, we didn't do anything" look, and he just started shaking his head at us. And there was Honey who was telling us how cute we looked, and Mori just grunted in agreement.

"I didn't think it was possible, but Kiyoko and Keiko are worse in the morning than Kyoya-sempai and Honey-sempai." We hear Hikaru and Kaoru say from behind us as we take them to the games room. "Yeah, I wonder if they might have the same blood type as Honey-sempai and Kyoya-sempai." We look at Kyoya in confusion. "Honey and I are defiantly not 'morning people' as you might say, and it is assumed that that is because of our blood type." he explaned. "And that blood type would that be...?" "AB'" As he said that Keiko and I just looked at each other and blushed, knowing that that just happened to be our blood type. Everyone looked at us as we blushed. "It looks like they really do have the same blood type as Kyoya-sempai." mumbles the twins. "Kyoya stops writing in the Black Book to glace at the twins, "Is there something wrong with my blood type?" he asks mischievously. "Yeah, is there something wrong with our blood type?" we ask, as Kyoya smirks at us, and we grin evilly. At this the boys just start stuttering, obviously panicing. We start luaghing, and even Kyoya laughs a bit.

After that, we played some games and before we knew it, it was aleady very late. After the boys (and Haruhi) our Mom wasn't going to be home for a few more hours. So we just had a shower and went to bed thinking about all that had happened today. That had actually been the most fun we'd had in a long time.

*A/N I know that it's kinda boring right now, but don't worry, it's going to get a lot more interesting in the next few chapters. I put a pic of their dress on the side, but please ignore the person in the pic c: Also, Merry Christmas to al of my reader!! I love you all, and I hope you have a great New Year! <3

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