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*Kiyoko's POV*

When we got to school we agreed that sometime today, we would talk to those Host Club boys. And Haruhi. We got to class and took our usual seats behind Hiakru and Kaoru, but they didn't talk to us. Keiko and I looked at each other, knowing that something was wrong. I couldn't quite see their faces, but from what I could see, they looked... unhappy. "Their sad. I think their still upset about yesterday." I whispered to her, hoping they didn't hear. "Well, we're going to talk to them about it later anyway." she whispered back, but unfortunately, they heard that. "What are you going to be talking to us later about?" they asked, with that sad looking permanently drawn onto their faces. Keiko and I exchange worried/guilty looks. Thankfully the bell rang, not allowing us to answer. We hurried to our next class with an anime sweat drop on our heads, even though we knew that they both sat next to us (left to right: Hikaru, Keiko, Kiyoko, Kaoru). We tried to ignore them, because we knew perfectly well, that they were tearing down the walls that we worked so hard to build.

They would ask what we meant before, they would ask why we did that yesterday, and each time they would look at us with heart broken eyes. We would do our best to ignore them, but by lunch, it grow too much, and we tried to apologize for yesterday. Of course they forgave us instantly. "But you'll have to apologize to the others too. Especially Honey, he thinks that you hate him for some reason. We don't have any guests after school today, so you should can by then. Well, see ya later." and they left for that club of theirs, leaving us behind thinking 'What the hell just happened?'

~Time skip to after school~

So here we are, standing outside the doors of Music Room #3, about to try and apologise to the rest of the Host Club. We hesitantly opened the doors to see Honey crying to Mori about us not liking him, Mori looks up to see us walk in. "Mitsukuni" is all it takes to get Honey to look up and see up standing in the door way smiling warmly at him. "Kiyo-chan, Kei-chan!!" he stopped crying and glomped onto us mumbling something about not liking him because he likes cute things. Meanwhile Tamaki has ran up yelling that "daddy's little girls came back" .-. and somehow it turned into a group hug - even Kyoya and Mori joined in (even though they were just kind of standing there :/ )! After the group hug was over we apologized. "We just wanted to apologized for yesterday..." "we shouldn't have said that..." "it really was inexcusable..." "and no Honey we defiantly do not hate you!" I finished in unison, making him very happy.

"But of course, seeing the way that you two treated us yesterday, i do believe that you owe us something." I think it was quite obvious that it was Kyoya that said that "And what exactly would we owe you?" we asked irritably. We hate owing people, it just means we'll have to do something that we're just going to regret."Well I was hoping to hear you sing again. In front of our guests perhaps?" So that's it. He wants us to perform in front of their guests. We both just glared at him, while he smirks back at us. Keiko and I look at each other. 'Well we can play the piano, violin, guitar and various other instruments.' we thought 'And because this is a music room, they should have all the instruments we would need.' Everyone was just looking at us, probably wondering what we were thinking, since we stood there in silence sharing each others thoughts. "We'll do it."

*A/N So Kiyoko and Keiko now have to sing at the Host Club for the guests, I wonder what will happen next ;) Well, I hope you like this chappie, please keep reading. It would mean a lot to me c: Don't forget to vote 'kay? luv ya :*

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