Motherly Love

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*Kiyoko's POV*

It was nine years ago, we were only seven when our Father left us. Although it was nine years ago, we remember it as though it was only yesterday...

*Flash back*

We knew that Mother and Father weren't happy, we knew that they were fighting a lot, but this was one thing we never thought would happen. We were in our room playing, when we heard them fighting. It happened so often now we had learned to ignore it. But then we hear our Mother scream. Of course we both ran down stairs to see what was going on. We couldn't prepare our selves for what we saw. When we got down stairs we saw Mother with a bloodied and bruised face, crying. We saw our Father hitting her repeatedly. He called her terrible things, some we are not willing to repeat. We cried out for him to stop, our Mother told us to go back up to our room, but Father wanted us to stay. We were scared, but he wouldn't let us leave. He hit us, saying it was punishment. But we didn't know what we were being punished for. And then, he just walked out the door, without saying another word. He beat us, then he just left leaving us bloodied and broken on floor.

*End of flash back*

"We stopped being mad at him a few years ago though, when we accepted that he left because we just weren't good enough." I finished. Everyone, including Keiko and I were in tears. Well, obviously not Kyoya, he was busy writing in the 'Black Book of Death' as we call it. Hikaru and Kaoru wordlessly stand up, and give us a much needed hug. They weren't glomping like Tamaki would have, they were just gently hugging us, because that was exactly what we needed. Then Honey came over and started hugging us, then we were in the middle of a big group hug. "Why didn't you tell us before?" asked Haruhi after we escaped their group hug. "We don't like to think about it too often..." "but sometimes we can't help it." we answered. By now everyone has stopped crying, well everyone but Honey, who is now hugging Mori's legs while still crying.

After that, we said that we wanted to go home, and when we got home, we were greeted by something we haven't seen in a long time. Dinner being served at our dining table, with our Mother waiting for us. "Mom!" We yelling as we ran up, and hugged her. "I just thought it was about time for a highly overdue family dinner." she replied smiling warmly at us. When we finished dinner, we just sat there talking about our day, how we were doing at school, all those cheesy thing you see those cliche Hollywood families doing, but that was enough to make us happy. "Well, I think this is the happiest I've ever seen you girls. Is there a reason for this, maybe... a boy perhaps?" she asked smirking. We both blushed and looked down as we simply replied with a muffled "Maybe". "And do these boys have names?" "Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin." We said, still blushing madly. "Ahh, the Hitachin brothers. They're twins two aren't they?" "Yes" was all we could say, as we were already blushing scarlet. "Awwww, I'll have to meet them sometime, will they be coming over anytime soon?" "Well maybe, but only if we can have to rest of the Host Club come over as well." When we said that our Mother's face fell slightly. She should be happy they're coming over at all!

After dinner with Mom, we went up to our room to get ready for bed still thinking about Hikaru and Kaoru. "Um, Sis?" Keiko looked nervous about whatever she was about to ask me. "Hm?" "Wh-who do you like... Hikaru, or Kaoru?" "Is it just me, or do you think that I'm going to steal Hikaru from you?" I smirked, and she blushed like mad. "Don't be ridiculous! I like Kaoru. And even if I did like Hikaru, I wouldn't just steal him from you when it's obvious that you like him." She looked so relieved after I'd said that. "I was hoping you would say that." and so we went to bed, thinking about those two shady twins.

*A/N Well, I hope you liked that chapter, I tried to make the back stoy kinda interesting, and I though I might as well put the Mom in there as well. I'm thinking about writing another fanfic, but about Umehito Nekozawa. Comment what you think, and please vote too, 'kay? Later ;*

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