C or Unum.

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This was a beautiful and hopeful sound for Riley. It was the sign she could have a life. A real life.

For many years, the girl had have a heart disease. When they found out, everyone -including doctors and her family, was optimistic : it wasn't too bad and with some specific treatment, she could live a normal life. But it get worse. She had multiple heart attack, suffered without any reason, her body slowly started to break, and her heart wasn't strong enough to take all the medicine. So doctors put her on a organ donation's list. This was her last chance, but it was possible she didn't even lived that long.

It has been one year. One painful year.

The only thing good on her life was James. They had known each other forever and they were best friend and lovers. She was grateful she had someone like him. He always saw the good things and wasn't as serious and nervous as she was. He was her rock; he helped her through all of her hospital journey.

He came everyday, even if he just said hi and had to go (he was often late so the nurse made him go).

And one day, while Riley was laying on her hospital bed, nurses and doctors rushed over her. Finally -finally, a heart was available. It was the end of the pain, now, Riley could live a normal life. She could go out with her boyfriend, see her friends and dance gain.


She woke up a few day later and she felt a strange feeling. She felt different, a good different. After the doctors came to check her state, she saw an envelope on the bedside table. She frowned slowly, confused. She had saw her parents, but no James. He must have known about her last surgery, it had been days. But he wasn't here. When she opened the envelope, she immediately recognize James's handwriting. A huge smile printed on her face as she started to read.


If you're reading this letter it means you are finally safe and with a new heart. I would love to see the smile on your face right now. I know it must be beautiful, just as you. But unfortunately I can't. But before I'll explain, I had something to say to you.

When I first met you, I instantly knew how precious you were. I'm very grateful for all of the years we spend together. It was seriously the best years of my life. I had love you since the first time a saw you. And I still love you with all my heart.I remember the day we finally admit our feelings for each other, How cute you were and how happy I was. You had your long brown silky hair, and you were looking at me with your big beautiful brown eyes. Words can not describe how much I love you, don't ever forget that.Now, I know you're wondering where I am. I would love to be around you right now.I'm sorry I kept this a secret for so long but I didn't want you to know this... I knew you would just tried to stop me. And there's is no way I would have did that.When your heart went worse, I ask your doctor to analyze my blood type and some other medical stuff. They found out that we were compatible. I asked them if I could sign a form for giving you my heart, if something bad will happen to me.

All I ever wanted was for you to live a great life and be happy. I didn't understand how someone like you would like someone like me. But it doesn't matter anymore.

I know you will have a great life without me. Now that you can do anything you want, just remember that i believe in you. I know you're strong, you've always been strong.Don't forget that I will always love you.

I'll always be with you, and if you ever doubt about it, just listen to your heartbeat. Wherever I am, I keep my eyes on you, and I'll make sure everything will be ok.

I love so much, Riley.

With all my love, James.


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