L ove at first sigh.

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Dedicated to my wife aka Lucia aka jileyxshawarma. Happy Birthday Babe 💛 (with advance tho) 


"You will do each day 5 hours of community service. Your punishment will start the next week and will stop in 6 months."

James was in the police station, a judge in front of him. He had messed up pretty bad. Well, he just got caught. He always did dangerous and crazy things with his boys, but usually, he just left before someone caught him. As it was his first time in the police station, the judge had just gave him community service. But from now on, he had officially a criminal record. However he wasn't a criminal, he was just trouble. He liked to vandalize public place, destroyed monuments in the city or even broke into stranger's house.

The next week, he went in the police station for his daily community service. He wore his usual leather jacket, black jeans, black tee-shirt and black sunglasses. He saw a huge yellow bus parked in front of the building, with people -young and old people, talking. He recognized a few officers, some neighbours and finally, the other delinquents.

"Ok people, gather around please !" An officer said when he approached the group. "We're gonna leave now. You will have to get change when we get there. Riley will be the only supervisor today. For the one who didn't know her, she's a volunteer. Come here Riley." He smiled at someone in the group. James couldn't see her, but when she walked toward the officer, he was speechless. She was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Everyone said he was a player, and indeed he knew a lot of hot girls. This one was just out of competition. She had short silky brown hair and big beautiful chocolate eyes. She was very short but graceful. Riley said a quietly "hi" to the group, and the officer kept talking but James didn't listen to him. He was too busy staring at the girl. And finally, she locked eyes with him. He felt his chest tightened and his head exploded. The girl blushed, and turned her head to looked at the officer.

I need to know her, thought the boy when all the group climbed in the bus.


He was collecting trash and garbage for at least three hours when the girl finally made her way toward him. He wasn't at his best : he had to wear this awful orange suit, even if he had tie the top at his waist. The girl walked toward him, and handed her a bottle of water.

"Here. You must be thirsty.." Riley said with a gentle smile on her features. The boy didn't said anything. It was simple. He grabbed the bottle and drank a few sips. He had experience with girls. He knew he just had to ignore her, and she will be head over heals for him. The girl stood still, looking at him. An he looked at her briefly before he put the bottle aside and took his tool. He started to grabbed trash, whereas the girl looked at him, frowning.

"Thank you ?" She said to him bitterly. The girl had principles, including courtesy and civility. The boy didn't seem to have any of that.

"You're welcome, babe." James chuckled before looking at the girl with a smirk. However, his face slowly fade when he saw her face  : her angry face.

"Jerk..." she mumbled before turning around and walking away.

oh god.. I messed up, again... thought james when he saw her left. However, he grabbed her hand quickly, stopping her before she was too far away. There was no chance he would let her left like that. And hated him. He needed to know her. More than anything.

"No wait ! Please..." he said nervously. When she was in front of him, he let go of her arm, and sighed slightly. "I'm sorry I just... I really want to impress you I guess.." Riley smiled after his words, but the boy kept talking. "I want to know you better.." James smirk softly, leaning toward the blushing girl.

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