H oney I'm good.

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"You know what ? Since I'm the annoying one here, why don't just leave me once and for all ?!" Riley yelled just as James slammed the door behind him. He angrily sat inside his car and took deep and slow breath. He punched the steering wheel with his fits a few times before he started the engine and started to drive.

James and Riley had been together for more than 7 years, without the two breaks they had took -The Beth break and Alfie break. For now 6 months, they had bought a small but decent apartment in town. Everything should have been great, but lately, Riley was always reproaching him everything he did resulting in them arguing. They argued about the slightest thing. With every fight, they yelled louder and were angrier.

James slammed his door after he shut down the engine of his car. He was parked in front of the local bar -where he always went since Riley and him had first argued. The boy sat at the bar and immediately ordered a drink. He emptied the glass almost in one sip. As the alcohol burned his throat, a memory came back to his mind.


It had been a perfect month. Riley was working in the studio every day, but she would come home earlier to spend time with James. Every afternoon, they would unpacked and cleaned their new shared apartment and then just enjoy each other.

James was leaning in the couch, watching tv, after unpacking his last box. It was almost 7pm, and the boy was already exhausted. Suddenly, a pair of hand moved on his shoulder, pulling slightly at his shirt. He felt lips on his neck and breathe near his ear.

"Hey babe.." someone purred in his ear, a sweet and gentle voice. James grabbed the hands and gently pulled them against his mouth, kissing it gently.

"Have you done unpackaging ?" James said, as the girl climb into the couch and snuggled on her boyfriend torso. Her hand wrapped around his torso as her legs moved on his lap. The boy gently smiled at her, stroking her thigh.

"Yes." Riley answered before kissing his cheek. "I need to tell you something..." She bit her lips nervously. She kissed his cheek one more time and gently nuzzled her nose with his. Their relationship had ups and downs, but through the years it grew stronger. That was why they decided to live together in the first place. James knew that the next step was to propose to her, but he was anxious about this. They were still young, they had time.

"I'm listening baby." The boy started to kiss her cheek and jaw slowly, still stroking her thigh. Sighs was leaving the girl mouth, but she was trying to ignore the boy so she could concentrate on what she had to say.

"Mh, You know, we were talking about growing old together and having a family right ?" she stared into his hazel eyes, a nervous smile on her face. The boy nodded slowly. "Do you still feel the same way ?"

"Ri, baby..." James chuckled slightly. "Of course, I feel the same.." he kissed her nose slowly.

"Good because..." Riley took a shaky breath. "I'm pregnant."


The more he thought about it, the more James knew it was because of Riley's pregnancy. Maybe they weren't ready yet, but this event bring the worse in the couple, and it was destroying their relationship. Of course James still loved her. He would always loved her but he sometimes wondered what he will be doing if he hadn't date Riley. Maybe he will be a famous drummer or dancer. Maybe he would be in the exact same place but with another girl. Maybe he would still be a player...

With a sigh, James ordered a new drink. The bar started to get crowded with group of friends or people on their own. He had come here multiple times in the last few month, so the boy started to know everyone here. He knew the bartender very well now, and also a few women.

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