Chapter 34: Ready to Fight

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It was late on the second day when the Resistance finally broke through the second wall. As the walls crumbled the Resistance charged in, meeting little resistance. It seemed all the guards had retreated. The two allied armies charged right towards the third wall. 

This wall was the strongest of the four. It was made of iron sheets and was very well fortified. The guards at the top started firing there crossbows at the Resistance. I looked behind the wall and saw the entire kings army getting ready for battle. There were thousands of them, all cramped in one space. Even the walls were crowded. 

I smiled, 'I'm going to thin out there numbers a bit.' 

'Aah... Derrick,' said Reflamen, 'I don't think that is such a good idea.'

I ignored him. I then sent a lightning strike into the midst. At least twenty soldiers died at the strike, and the surrounding fifty were all injured. Soldiers ran from the area the lightning strike hit, pushing there neighbours to get through.

I laughed. I then imagined one of the nearby buldings to fall over, crushing a bunch of soldiers trying to get through. 

"Derrick!' said Reflamen, 'Stop this at once!'

I stopped.

'Look,' said Reflamen, 'I know you're trying to help the Resistance, but killing helpless people isn't the way to do it.'

I was surprised at what Reflamen said, to say the least.

'Why don't you control one of the worries on the other side of the wall and fight like that instead,' said Reflamen, 'Then they at least have a chance.'

'You're right Reflamen,' I said, 'Sorry, I shouldn't have done that.'

I was now feeling very guilty. I sighed.

'I'll go and have a look at how Derrick and Rogan are doing,' I said.

'Good idea,' said Reflamen.

I transported myself to where Derrick and Rogan were. They were now in the middle of a storage place. They were waiting for a signal to go up that the king was distracted, but for some reason it hadn't come yet.

All the men in with them didn't help, and the fact that Rogan was holding the staff didn't help either. He kept on accendentally sticking it into the backs of his men. Derrick had gone somewhere, probably to spy on the king, and they were just sitting it out.  

I looked into the hallway, there were no guards at all, except the ones dead around the door to the store room. 

'I'll make sure these guys don't get seen,' I said to Relfamen.

I imaginered a strong wind that flowed into the hallway. The wind picked up the bodies and chucked them out a near by window and into a pond, where they sunk to the bottom.

'That's better,' said Reflamen, 'Do more stuff like that. Now, are you going to break down that wall?'

'No,' I said, 'I'll let the Resistance deal with that, and if it's not down by the time I join you I'll destroy it then, but only then.'

'Okay then,' said Reflamen. 

I got an image of him stretching out in Leivites clearing. I laughed, 'You look like a big cat.'

Reflamen seemed to shrug.

I focused back on the battle. The Resistance was again taking refuge in nearby buildings. They were now sitting down to have dinner. They cleaned there weapons and talked heroicly about the things they had done so far, and boasted about how well they fought. A few were taking a nap, they probably hadn't slept for the past two days, and they were exhausted. 

Imagination BK1: The Forbidden Blade (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now