Chapter 15: The Never Ending Fight

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I readied my double swords, Ignite and Raze. 

"I'm ready whenever you are," said Derrick, with a smile. 

I struck as fast as I could, no warning, no warm up, just a fast head on strike. I hoped this would catch it by surprise, it did. Derrick stood still for a second then quickly jumped back with my first strike. Little did he know that the second blade was right behind. The blade swung towards Derrick's side with deadly accuracy. Suddenly my blade halted. To my surprise Derrick's blade had seemed to appear right next to his side. 

I immediatly jumped back, getting ready for Derrick's attack. Nothing happened. Derrick just stood there staring at his blade in surprise, so I struck again. Derrick's arm moved incredibly fast, so fast it wasn't human. I whipped the second blade to his other side, but again Derrick stopped it, moving with incredible speed. This time he jumped back, giving him some room. I smiled, I was actually beating Derrick, I think.

Derrick glanced to his blade one more time then back at me. He narrowed his eyes. This time he was getting serious.

We eyed each other for a few seconds, then Derrick struck. He was so fast, but I already knew that. I blocked his first blow with ease, then the second blow came from the right, which I blocked with my other blade, leaving my middle wide open. Derrick went for it. Suddenly my arms moved without warning and our blades clashed together.

Derrick quickly jumped back, as did I. Then we struck at each other again. Derrick was very skilled with a blade, it wasn't hard to figure that out, but what made him even more dangerous was that he kept  changing techniques, always randomising his strokes, never giving the openent the chance to read his strokes.

So the fight continued. Derrick was going for it hard and fast, probably because of the way I surprised him earlier, but every single time I blocked, I did so without thinking, as if I wasn't controlling my movements. Derrick struck to the right again, this time, instead of blocking I ducked and swung my blade overhead at his. This caused Derrick to stumble forward. I went for the opening, stabbing my blade at his exsposed underbelly. There was no way he could block it.

There was a swirl of movement, so fast that it could make a dragon seem slow. Our blades were locked together for a second time.

'How?' I thought, no one could move that fast, even Derrick. 

I looked at my swords and remembered how I had seemed to move, without controlling myself, then I remembered something about the blades that could make this fight very complicated. The blades were desined so that they would block anything coming at there owner, including impossible blocks. They moved as fast as they needed, if it was to stop there weilder losing a fight, which ment that this fight was going to last a very, very long time.

Derrick struck again. The blades moved and blocked the blow. Derrick started to deliver a swirl of strikes, fast enought that even the best swordsman would fall, but the twin blades blocked every blow with seeming ease. We both jumped back, heaving under the immense speed in which we had been moving. Derrick hesitated slightly, until I struck my first blow. Derrick's blade moved into place. I struck again, with my other blade this time, but kept pushing with the my blade and Derrick's together, forcing him to keep in the lock. That was the advantage when using dual blades, you could attack from two different angles at once.

To my surprise Derrick ducked under the blow, before lashing at my feet, causing me to trip and fall. I struggled to get up, but one of my swords suddenly moved at overwhelming speed, blocking a fast blow from Derrick. I rolled away and sprung to my feet, just in time to block another blow from Derrick. I struck back with my other sword. Derrick blocked and struck. I blocked with both blades, locking the three magical blades together.

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