Chapter 24: Season of the Interns

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Hey readers. I have just created 12 new names in my story, plus their colleges and majors. If they happen to correspond with you or someone you know, it's completely random and I'm sorry. Only 3 of the characters will be used through out the story.


It's officially January, which means it's the 'Season of the Interns'. The report Mr. Fletcher gave to me the other day said the Journalism and Marketing department is getting three interns. They'll be staying in the same apartments that I did, do the same work I did, and create somewhat of the life that I did.

We have to meet the interns in the lobby at 9:00, per request of Mr. Fletcher. He switched it to 9:00 instead of 8:30 because he has a meeting until then, and he wanted to be there with Mr. Quinn when they arrived. 

Cole is down on the ice for practice, and Jamie is in his office working on an assignment, so I have a few minutes to go over the interns profiles so I can remember who they are and a few of their personal things, what college, age, work ambitions. 

I look up at the clock above my window and see that it's 8:55. I take my walk from my department, down the two flights of stairs, and into the lobby. Chris Kelleher, our professional scout, John Worley, our head athletic trainer, and Tony Dacosta, the equipment manager,  already stand in the lobby, leaning up against the ticket windows. I greet them just as Mr. Fletcher and Mr. Quinn walk into the lobby to join us. 

Mr. Fletcher tells us that this is the largest group of interns the Wild has ever had, 12. I have three, Tony has four, Chris has two, and John and three. My three interns, Kennedy, Victoria, and Alexandra, are from New Jersey, New Hampshire, and New York.

Twelve, wide eyed, twenty year olds walk into the lobby, a few with smiles on their faces. 

"Hello, interns", Mr. Quinn starts his annual speech to the interns. I listen to the same exact speech I got when I was the intern three years ago. "This year, I would like our four advisers to introduce themselves to you, and give you a little background about themselves. Mere, you should go first".

I look to the interns to find my three, next to each other, but one boy is in between Alexandra and Victoria. "Hi, I'm Meredith Adams, head of Journalism and Marketing here at the stadium. I'm the youngest front office staff here, at the age of twenty four. I was an intern just like you guys were. I came from the U of Maine, and graduated from Concordia here in Saint Paul, and my fiancé plays for the Wild, when we met in high school", I tell my three interns specifically, but tell the others as well. 

Chris, John, and Tony each take their turns introducing themselves, and then Mr. Fletcher. Mr. Quinn then asks the interns to tell who they are, where the came from, and their college major. 

"I'm Alexandra Curtis, originally from New York, but I go to University of Central Florida, majoring in English".

"Scotty Peters, from Connecticut, I go to Quinnipiac, majoring in biology".

"I'm Kennedy Gaudreau, from New Jersey. Yes, I'm related to Johnny, he's my brother, before any of you ask. I go to Merrimack, majoring in Language Studies".

"I'm Victoria Hill, I'm from New Hampshire, I go to Dartmouth, majoring in Education".

"Hi, I'm Jasmine Pope, from Georgia, I go to Colorado College, and major in Social Science".

"I'm Leslie Gregory, I'm from New York, Canisius College, majoring in Conflict Studies".

"Tomas Delgato, New Mexico, I am majoring in Athletic Training at St. Cloud university".

"Josh Andrews, from Vermont, majoring in Sports Management at Boston College".

"Penelope Church, Delaware, majoring in Sports Management at U of Alabama".

"My name is Manny Fabrizio, I'm from Alaska, I go to University of Alaska Fairbanks, and I major in nursing".

"I'm Julian Herbert, from Kentucky, I study Mechanical engineering at Clarkson University".

"Lastly, I'm Christian Williems, from Massachusetts, I study Human Resources at the University of Vermont".

"Thank you interns", Mr. Quinn says to them, most of them smile. "Before you head off with your advisors, I would lastly like to introduce to you to our general manager, Mr. Chuck Fletcher. He is the one to have approved you to join our team, so give it up".

The twelve interns clap lightly, all with smiles on their faces. "Thank you guys for all participating in this years intern program, I'm so glad you can be here. Now, without further ado, go meet your new advisors".

I wait for the short moment until my three interns. How I'm going to try to remember them and not mess up their names, Alexandra has auburn hair, Kennedy looks like a young Jackie O, and Victoria looks oddly similar to Victoria Beckham. I think I can remember that.

"Hi", I smile at my new interns. "Welcome to Xcel. I'm Meredith Adams. Your names are?" I ask to make sure I have the correct faces with the correct names. They each say their names and I was correct. "Okay, good, I got you all correct. So, let's start on the tour. Do you have any questions before we start?"

"Who's your fiancé?" Kennedy asks.

I laugh slightly. "Cole Anderson".

"Where'd you meet him?"

"Back when I was fifteen, right when I moved to Maine, he was the first person I met at that new school".

"Dreamy", I hear Alexandra whisper.

"Okay, are you guys ready for the tour?" I laugh. They all nod.

My first group of interns are here. Oh boy.

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