Chapter 16: I Do

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Cara's wedding dress^^^^^


Today is Cara's wedding day. I've been in Detroit with Cara, and Mom came in yesterday morning for the rehearsal dinner, and it was odd that Dad wasn't here too. It's only been a month and a half since Dad's funeral, and it's hard to not talk to him on the phone every morning right when I get up, like I did for the past seven years once I moved out of Chicago.

"Belly, come to auntie Meredith", I coo to my seven month old niece. She crawls over to me as her twin brother sits with his toys next to his father. I scoop her into my arms and she giggles slightly. "Let's get you dressed".

I turn to Cole, Noah, and Matt, all three of them waiting for their cue to get dressed, brought to you by me. "You need to get dressed to, I don't have to tell you that. You guys have to be ready in half an hour. Let's go. Triston needs to be dressed in his tux, too".

I leave the groom's room and walk back into the bride's suite. I shut the door quickly when I see Willow helping Cara zip the back of her wedding dress. I find Anabelle's little flower girl dress. I put the fluffy diaper shorts on her first, then slide the peach colored dress over her head and arms. I tickle the tip of her nose and she starts to giggle again, to distract her from the headband Mom puts on her little head from behind.

"Mere, can you help me with my hair?" Cara asks as Willow removes the piece of cloth from over Cara's dress after the makeup.

"Sure". I hand Anabelle to Mom and start on Cara's hair, which I've been practicing the style for a month now to make it perfect today. I bobby pin one part of hair, and curl another. Her hair is done after about ten minutes when we get a knock on our door, signaling to make our way down to the lobby where Cara and us will be walking through the doors down the aisle. Uncle Richard is going to walk Cara down the aisle, because he's the closest male we have to our father. I have yet to decide who's walking me down the aisle, but I don't think it will be uncle Richard.

In the lobby area where we meet Mom, Uncle Richard, and the twins, I fix Cara's dress behind her and she lines up about ten feet behind the doors. Cara wraps her arm over uncle Richard's and they wait for the rest of us to line up in front of them. Our ten year old cousin pulls Triston and Anabelle in a wooden wagon decorated with little flowers and bows. Triston isn't too happy sitting still, but Anabelle looks excitedly around at all of us.

The door into the main church opens slowly, and in walks Cole and Noah, in their navy blue tuxedos with peach handkerchiefs in the breast pocket. My peach colored form fitting, floor length dress matches. Cole's arm locks with mine, and Noah's arm locks with Willow's.

The music starts to play in the church and the door open fully. Our cousin, Cassidy, starts to pull Anabelle and Triston in the wagon slowly down the aisle, then Noah and Willow start to walk, and then it's Cole's and my turn to walk. We take the slow walk down and split just in front of where Matt and the preacher stand. I stand, holding my bouquet of white flowers in my spot next to Willow, while Cole stands next to Noah on the other side of the alter.

Now, it's time for Mom, Uncle Richard and Cara to walk. They walk at a slow pace, and I watch Matt's face light up the closer she gets. His eye glisten with small tears. He really loves her, there's no doubt about that. Cara blushes crimson and looks down for a moment at the floor in front of her, then looks back at Matt, who hasn't looked away yet.

Cara finishes her walk to the alter and hands her bouquet to Willow. "We are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Matthew George Berg and Cara Alexandria Adams. You may all be seated". The preacher starts to talk about what it means to be married and how it affects everyone's lives around them. I almost start to cry tears of joy as he continues. My sister is getting married, and I'm soon after her.

Cara and Matt start on their vows. "I, Cara Alexandria Adams, take you, Matthew George Berg, to be my wedded husband. With the deepest joy I receive you into my life that together we may be one. I promise you my love, my fullest devotion, my tenderest care. I pledge my life as a loving and faithful wife".

"I, Matthew George Berg, take you, Cara Alexandria Adams, to be my wedded wife. With the deepest joy I receive you in my life that together we may be one. I promise you my love, my fullest devotion, my tenderest care. I pledge my life as a loving and faithful husband".

The preacher starts to say something else about being married in a church and what that means. I don't mean to zone out, but I kind of do. I start to think about my wedding and what it would look like if I was standing in Cara's place, and Cole was in Matt's. "I now pronounce you husband and wife. Matthew, you may kiss your bride", the preachers last words brings me out of my thoughts.

Matt holds Cara's face in his hands and their lips meet in one, magical, romantic kiss. Our families start to cheer, and then Matt and Cara run down the aisle holding their hands in the air. The four of us, Cole, Noah, Willow, and I follow them and then the crowd follows us.

We stand on the steps of the church as Matthew helps Cara with her long dress into the small, dark colored limo.

Only ten months until I am her, and Cole is Matt. I can't wait to start the rest of my life with the man I adore.

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