Chapter 5: Girls Night Out

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After our shopping adventure today, and picking Terra up at the airport, the three of us girls decide to go to a family friendly club, the only one in existence apparently. It's a dancing club, but you have to be over thirteen, not twenty-one. Terra and Lina think it sounds really fun, and we all agreed for a fun night while Cole has a night practice before his game tomorrow night.

Both Terra and Lina walk into my room just as I finish doing my hair in the bathroom mirror. Terra is dressed in leather pants and a bright red crop top, a gold chained purse and her hair is in a high ponytail. Lina has on a dark gray crop top with a maroon sweater over it, with some black skinny jean, her hair in a messy bun. I dress myself in black and gold patterned leggings, a trumpet style shirt and a leather jacket, my hair in wavy curls.

"We look super hot", Terra says. We all stand looking at ourselves in the full length mirror in my closet when Lina takes out her phone and tells us to pose. We laugh to make our smiles looks real as we move closer to Lina and her phone and pose as we look into the mirror. She takes a few and puts her phone in her small cream colored purse. I grab my clutch and fill it with my phone, makeup, and money.

"You ladies looks so grown up", we hear Cole say from behind us, being family friendly for our youngest. He has on his normal going to Xcel attire. Some sweatpants, an old t-shirt. In his hands, he has his dress shirt and pants for the press conference after to talk about his game against the Stars tomorrow night.

"Thanks", we all say at the same time.

Cole walks over to me and gives me a quick kiss, and gives Lina a hug. "I will see you ladies in the morning, I should be home around one tonight".

Cole leaves the apartment and we add our final touches, then the three of us leave. I flag down a taxi and we hop in the back. I give the driver the name of the place and he drives us there without even saying 'okay'. The drive takes only a few minutes, Terra offers to pay for the ride and we hop out in front of the club. I'm not sure how to exactly pronounce it, it's some French name.

We walk in and find a table at the back of the room. We sit down and I offer drinks for the other two girls. I go up to the bar and order a virgin pina colada, a strawberry daiquiri, and a Shirley Temple. I give the bartender my credit card and he starts to pay for the drinks. I watch around the club, and it's kind of weird watching young kids, like sixteen, dancing near a group of adults. I'm used to the clubs where it's twenty-one and over, where you don't have to show the bartender your ID. I don't even think I should be calling this place a club, but I'm not sure what else to call it.

The bartender hands me the drinks and I carry the drinks carefully around the dance floor and to the table where Lina and Terra are deep in conversation. I slide in beside Lina. She takes a sip of her drink, and Terra her own.

One of Lina's favorite songs comes on over the speakers, Applause by Lady Gaga. She asks if she can dance, and Terra agrees that she wants to go to. I stay at the table to watch our drinks, and Terra starts to do crazy dances with Lina. I laugh hysterically as they keep dancing. I take the opportunity to take a picture and send it to Cole. He's at practice now, but he'll get it later.

After a few songs, and more than thirty pictures, Terra and Lina join me back at the table. They're out of breath, and their faces are red. Terra and Lina are laughing, and their laughter makes me laugh a little.

We all finish our drinks, when a young boy comes up to our table. "Excuse me. I was wondering if you wanted to dance with me for a song or two?" He looks at Lina.

Lina immediately looks over at me, as I smile like a dufus. Terra starts to giggle quietly as she watches Lina try to make her decision. She finally looks back at the boy, who looks to be about fourteen or fifteen. "Yeah.... Yeah, that would be really fun".

I slide out of the booth to let Lina out. They travel close to the middle of the dance floor, where other kids, who look to be ages thirteen to sixteen, all dance to the awful music artists make nowadays. I take a quick picture, and watch the girl I met when she was only five, dance with an older boy, and now she's almost fourteen years old. I can't tell Cole about this, he wouldn't approve, but I can be the fun older cousin that lets her do whatever she wants, within reason of course.

After a few songs, they stop dancing and step to the side of the dance floor. They pull their phones out and seem to exchange numbers. They wave goodbye, for now, to each other and Lina runs back over to the table, sliding in beside me. She starts giggling nervously. "His name is Mason", she says, almost done laughing. "He lives in Ohio, traveling with his mom to see a game tomorrow night at Xcel".

Oh boy.

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