Well...That Could Have Gone Better

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Oh my god. The Joker.

Harley couldn't get her head around it. She had obviously heard of him, seen him on the news, learnt at University over the atrocity of the acts he had committed, how had she forgotten him?

"Hey there Doc, come to give me more happy pills? I would like that! Been getting lonely in here, those hallucinations really do create quite a Party haha!" The voice, his voice. Harley couldn't describe it. That one sentence and she could already imagine him. Everything he said sounded like he was always amused, like he was in charge, an authoritative figure.

Harley could see the outline of his figure stand up and then suddenly, he was standing inf ront of them...well behind the glass. "OOOH. And this is? Your new pen pal? Best buddy? Maybe even your...girlfriend? HEHE. Common doc you should know by now I need an introduction, we all need to have dinner together and get to know each other!"

God, Harley could barely breath...his eyes. They were staring right into hers, they were the brightest green she had ever seen. It was a clear green though... like emerald, his hair was similar but it tumbled in small tendrils onto his forehead and his lips were bright red, like blood.

Overall he was breath taking, an odd thing to say about a man with scars on his face. He was around 6ft'6, towering over her and he was very skinny but not like Scarecrow, it all came together to make quite an attractive man.

Harley could see out of the corner of her eye Joan straighten up "Joker, this is Dr. Harleen Quinzel. She is our newest member of staff."

"Its good to meet you Mister Joker." Harley thought she had better introduce herself as well, she could stand on her own two feet, that included introducing herself to someone who had received the death penalty over a 1000 times. The Joker grinned at her.


Then they all heard a distant however quite large crash.

"Damn, damn, damn!... I bet its Crane." Joan looked at the Joker, then down the corridor, then at Harley and then down the corridor again.

"Harley I have to go and sort whatever is happening out there out. I need the guards with me. This corridor should be the safest place for you right now" Harley who was completely shocked just stared at her.

"Don't worry, he can't touch you and you need a card to get in or out this corridor. Stay here and don't move!"

Joan motioned to the guards to follow her, then they were gone.

It was just Harley alone. In the corridor. With him. Oh god.

Her heart thumped in her chest, out of excitement or worry she couldn't tell, she turned back around to see the Joker looking at her.

Joker broke the silence first. "So..."

Harley forgot what Joan said about ignoring him. "So...nice weather huh?" Did she actually just say that to someone in solitary confinement in a mental asylum? Ugh.

The Joker leant against his bed looking bored and didn't acknowledge what she said. "How many Professors did you have to screw to get in here then?"

The question had Harley freeze on the spot, had he ACTUALLY just asked her that? As if he read her mind he repeated "Well sweets, it's obvious you're not here on smarts alone"

Harley cleared her throat, she wasn't doing a very good job of feeling calm "That is highly inappropriate, I'm a very quali-"

"Blah, Blah, Blah. Listen hunny, we both know you couldn't get in here without playing some poor old disgusting man's heart!" The Joker placed his hands over his heart and mimicked heartbreak, he then stopped to look at her, he was smirking. SMIRKING. Harley felt her anger rise

"Listen Joker If you're not careful I'll tell Joan what you just said and get ALL your privileges removed!" She heard herself fiercely snap at him however the Joker's smirk seemed too simply widen

"You know what sweets, I like you. I really do!"

The Joker stood straight again and came right up the glass, Harley felt herself move forward.

God she is so small, blonde hair, large blue eyes and athletically built, very typical american looking girl. However there was something in her eyes... She looked pathetic and usually the Joker was completely disinterested in new staff. Usual snot-nosed brats with their parents money, getting them through life. But she had a quick temper and didn't cower at the sight of him, she seemed different to what she looked. Hmmm...would could he get out of her?

Harley wasn't breaking their eye contact, she couldn't help but wonder, what did he think of her? If he had considered her at all. People called him repulsive but she simply found him fascinating!

Both then came out of their daydreams as they heard a large metal clank in one of the vents in the ceiling further down the corridor. Joker was curious what it was, he knew for a fact it wasn't a pipe. Harley was also curious yet slightly fearful but curiosity won every time, she took two timid steps forwards, when the vent cover, near the end of the corridor fell to the floor, once again Harley froze. Both Doctor and Patient waited for the result of the noise.

Then SOMEONE fell from where the vent cover had been, Harley scattered back until she felt the glass wall. The person that had fallen was bald and covered in padlocks, he was a male. The figure pushed himself up from where he had fallen, then slowly lifted his head.

For the Joker, he was a normal, to be honest, quite hilarious sight to see, crazy bastard.

For Harley, it caused her heart to miss a beat. She held in a scream.

Victor Zsasz was stood in front of the observers with a long kitchen knife in his hand, his body was covered with grotesque red scars, some faded others...fresh. He looked at Harley then at Joker and grinned. Harley noticed his pupils were HUGE and he was swaying. Oh crap, she was trapped in a corridor with the madman Joker and the serial killer Zsasz who was was higher than a cloud. This was turning into an...interesting day.

He spoke, when he spoke he sounded like the words were always foreign to him "W-well hello there my dear. You m-m-must be new, I-I am here to give you...salvation!"

Before Harley could even make a noise, the Joker watched Zsasz run straight to her, grab her by her neck and threw her against the nearby wall. She cried out in pain and put her hand to her head. As she slid down the wall, her head left a small trail of blood, when she looked at her hand covered in blood, she passed out. Harley was simply layed there at the mercy of Zsasz's blade.

The cogs in Joker's mind were working fast as he watched Zsasz get read to slit her throat. The Joker didn't know her potential yet, it would be such a waste of a person! Such a waste of some entertainment in this dull, lifeless place... Zsasz couldn't hurt her! SHE HAD TO STAY.

The glass smashed under the Jokers enraged punch and then he punched Zsasz until he was a bleeding pile on the floor. He looked down at his new subject of interest, he picked her up into his arms, his rage subsided as he felt her snuggle into him. Her hair fell out of her ponytail so it was sprawled around her shoulders, there were several streaks of blood.

Layed in the Jokers arms, Harley looked, for the first time in months, at peace.

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